Chapter 41

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Finn's POV

Summer has finally come to an end, and I made sure to spend every single moment with Lily, making up for the two weeks we were apart. She refers to it as a breakup; I saw it as a minor bump in the road.

After our 'minor bump,' I wanted to give her something to show how serious I am about her and how much I love her. I've been waiting for the right moment to give her this necklace I bought. It's a silver necklace with a butterfly pendant. But every time, I try to give it to her, I chicken out of it. However, I'll plan on giving her tonight, booking our favourite restaurant ... hopefully she loves it.

Now it's September, signalling the start of a new school year. While Lily is in her second year, I'm entering my final year, with my focus squarely on my football career. Coach mentioned that I've received a few offers from clubs, but they're not the mainstream ones. I turned them down because, even though it might seem foolish, I know my worth and my skills, and those offers just won't cut it.

"Okay boys," Coach's voice slices through my thoughts in the locker room.

"Time to hit the field. Remember, this season is crucial for all of you, especially the seniors. Some of you have gotten offers already and some have not. Scouts will be watching, and you need to bring your A-game every single time. Finn, I need you and the other seniors to lead by example," Coach continues, his eyes locking onto mine with a determined glare.

I nod, feeling the weight of his words and the responsibility on my shoulders. I glance over at my teammates, seeing a mix of anticipation and anxiety on their faces.

"This is just a training session but treat it like it's the real thing. It's the first session of the season, and you seniors need to set the standard," Coach yells.

"Alright, you heard him," the assistant coach shouts. "Get your asses up!"

We file out of the locker room, the intensity of the moment palpable. As we step onto the field, the familiar scent of freshly cut grass fills the air. The afternoon sun shines brightly, and there's a warm breeze that carries the promise of early autumn.

I take a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. The training session might not be a real match, but the effort and determination we put in today will set the tone for the entire season.

I look over at Lily, who's watching from the stands. She often comes to my training sessions during her breaks, and her presence is a constant source of motivation.

"Positions!" Coach yells, and we quickly take our places. The whistle blows, and the drills begin. We start with warm-ups, running laps and doing stretches to get our muscles ready. Then come the technical drills—passing, dribbling, and shooting.

"Let's keep it sharp, boys!" the assistant coach calls out. "Finn, I want to see you pressing hard up front! Charlie, control the midfield and keep the ball moving! Talk to each other out there!"

As the session progresses, I push myself harder with each drill, feeling the burn in my legs and the sweat on my brow. I can see the same determination in my teammates. We know that how we train today will reflect in our performance throughout the season.


As the training session ends, we walk off the field, muscles aching and sweat sticking to our skins. I spot Lily standing near the edge of the field and walk towards her, her eyes lighting up when she sees me.

"Hi Lovebug" Lily says wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a kiss.

Her kiss is sweet and warm, grounding me in the moment. I wrap my arms around her waist, lifting her slightly off the ground.

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