Chapter 8

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The open road stretched out before us and the chatter and laughter of everyone filled the air, punctuated by the occasional burst of music from the car stereo.

As we drove through the scenic countryside, the lush greenery passed by in a blur.

Seated beside Finn in the backseat, I stole glances at him whenever I thought he wasn't looking, my heart fluttering at the sight of his easy smile and the warmth in his eyes.


We soon arrived at the cabin.

As we made our way through the cosy living room and into the bedrooms, excitement turned to confusion as we realized there were only three bedrooms available.

"Wait, there are only three rooms?" Jennie exclaimed, her brow furrowed in confusion.

Kam nodded, her expression mirroring our own surprise. "Yeah, it looks like it. Looks like we'll have to figure out the sleeping arrangements."

Just as I was about to voice my concerns, Nate spoke up with a mischievous glint in his eye. "Well, I guess that means Lily and I will have to share a room," he joked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips, pulling me close to his side.

Before I could respond, Finn's expression darkened, and he interjected "No, I don't think that's a good idea."

Taken aback by Finn's sudden seriousness, I exchanged a puzzled glance with Nate, who quickly backtracked with a nervous chuckle. "Hey, hey, just kidding, man. Relax."

Jennie laughed and playfully nudged me. "Sorry losers, she's staying with me. Lily, come on, let's go claim our room."

As Jennie and I headed towards the nearest bedroom, Kam clapped her hands and announced, "Alright, that's sorted then. Shawn and I will take one room, Jennie and Lily will take another, and Finn and Nate can share the third."

Nate and Finn exchanged uneasy glances, and Nate laughed trying to cut through their tension "You're with me Finny boy"

"Alright with the sleeping arrangements settled, we will reconvene downstairs in twenty minutes to head out for dinner," Kam announces.

"Kam, we just got here, why don't we rest," Shawn asks, pulling her to his side and nibbling on her ears.

She shoots him a glare and he surrenders, "You heard my mrs, all you dudes get up and change" he laughs while carrying their belongings to their room, Kam follows suit holding his hand and laughing.

Kam's in charge of the itinerary and is so strict about it, ideally, I'd prefer to drift into my precious slumber, but she would have my head.

As Jennie and I entered our shared bedroom, we wasted no time in selecting our outfits for dinner, eager to make a statement and turn heads wherever we went.

Surveying the contents of our suitcases, we sifted through our clothing options. After much deliberation, we finally settled on our outfits.

For Jennie, a black bandeau top with a plunging neckline and a flirty skirt.

As for me, I decided to go for a fitting crop top in a bold shade of red, paired with high-waisted jeans that hugged my curves and accentuated my figure. Topping off the look with a leather jacket and ankle boots.

As we admired ourselves in the mirror, Jennie turned to me with a curious expression. "Hey, Lily, what was that about earlier? With Finn, I mean."

I laugh nervously.

"Do you like him?" Jennie asks her tone serious, "Or rather, how do you feel about him?" she continues.

I turn to face Jennie, "When I'm with him," I sigh brushing my hair, "He makes me feel seen, does that make sense?"

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