Chapter 42

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Lily's POV

As we walked out of our Jurisprudence and Legal Theory class, Kam let out a dramatic sigh.

"Can you believe how boring that class was? I thought I was going to fall asleep right there in my seat."

I nod agreeing. "Mr. Archer is literally the harbinger  of sleep. How can anyone talk so slowly, dragging each word, and expect anyone to pay attention? It's baffling."

Kam chuckled as I made a mental note to head to the admin's office to drop the module.

"So, any plans for Finn's birthday next week?" she asked as we made our way to the café.

"I'm thinking a football themed party" I say tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, "Though planning the party is not the hard part, it's the gift" I added with a sigh.

Kam nodded sympathetically. "Yeah, finding the perfect gift can be tough. What are you considering?"

"I have a few ideas," I replied as we entered the café and found a seat by the window.

Finn's birthday is in a week, last year Shawn said he didn't spend it with anyone because of a massive fight he had with his dad, which was around the person we spent our first night together and he ghosted me – for good reason I guess now, the past is past. So this year, planning the party for him is easy ... it's the gift that isn't.

"What ideas did you have in mind?" Kam asked pulling me out of my thoughts, as we took a seat in the café.

"I thought about getting him tickets to a Manchester United game," I said, scanning the menu. "Iced coffee with a lemon cake?" I suggested as I got up to head to the counter.

"Sounds perfect," Kam said with a smile, pulling out her phone.

As I walked to the till, Kam looked at her phone and smiled. "Jen just texted, she's on her way and to order her a Vanilla Frappuccino."

I nodded and added Jen's drink to our order. With our beverages sorted, I returned to our table. The café buzzed with the hum of conversations and the clatter of cups, creating a cozy backdrop for our chat.

So, tickets to a Manchester United game?" Kam said, leaning forward. "That's a great idea. He'd love it."

"Yeah, I thought so too," I replied, stirring my iced coffee. "But I want to get him another gift and I just can't think of anything else"

Kam nodded thoughtfully. "What about something related to his interests or hobbies? Does he have any collections or special interests?"

"Well, he's really into music," I said, tapping my finger on the table. "He loves vinyl records, especially rare ones."

Kam's eyes lit up. "That's perfect! You could find a rare record he's been wanting or something from his favourite band."

"Yeah, but I want something else," I sigh as I feel my phone vibrate. I pick it up to look and I see it's from Finn, and a smile spreads across my face – speak of the devil.

Lovebug: Hey Butterfly, any plans this evening?

I quickly typed a response.

Me: Can't get enough of me huh Brookes?

Me: Didn't you just see me like 2 hours ago

As I waited for his reply, Jen walked in, waving as she made her way to our table. "Sorry I'm late, my lecture drawled on, like she didn't want to shut up."

"No worries," Kam said scooting over, allowing Jen to slide in beside her. "We just ordered your drink."

"Thanks," Jen said, sitting down with a grateful sigh.

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