Chapter 20

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Lily's POV 

This is just a mess.

The situation's died down, and most of my audience have diverted their attentions back to the party.

Kam and Jennie rush to my side, their eyes sympathetic and I offer a weak smile nodding.

As Finn held me close, comforting me, Shawn approached us concerned.

"Lily, are you okay?" he asked softly, "That was rough,"

I didn't even notice when the tears started spilling, "I... I just need a moment," I managed to say, my words muffled by the tears.

Some people's eyes are still burning, and I can hear some of their comments, which makes this even more uncomfortable.

"What a slag,"


"Poor guy, didn't deserve that and she's still huddling up with another guy, talk about shameless" a girl sneers shooting me daggers and I just bury my head in Finn chest even more.

"I'll show you shameless," Kam shoots back immediately catching the girls' attention and starts walking towards them, but Shawn holds her waist back causing the girls scurry away.

"Come back, why are you so quick to run off," Jen yells, "Weirdos"

"Hey," Finn starts softly, breaking the heaviness of the air. "Let's get you somewhere quiet," he suggested.

"Please just take me home" I sigh, and he nods.

Finn gestures toward Shawn, asking for the car keys "Shawn, keys," he says.

Shawn begins to whine, saying, "But dude," until Kam nudges him, and he reluctantly tosses the keys over.

Finn nodded understandingly and without hesitation, he guided me out of the party, his arm around my shoulder providing a sense of comfort and support.

The cool night air felt refreshing against my tear-stained cheeks as we made our way to the car.

As we drove through the quiet streets towards my apartment, I couldn't help but replay the events of the night in my mind. Nate's anger and hurt, the confrontation with Finn, and the rifts that had formed in our once-tight-knit group—it was all too much to process in one go.

Finn glanced at me from time to time, his expression a mix of concern and understanding. "Are you okay?" he finally asked using his free hand to grab mine.

I shook my head slightly, a sigh escaping my lips. "Yeah," I try to smile but it doesn't quite reach my eyes.

The rest of the drive passed in a heavy silence, each of us lost in our thoughts and reflections on the night's events. As Finn pulled up in front of my home, I turned to him with a pleading look on my face.

"Can you come up with me," I ask.

"Of course, love" he smiles

As we stepped out of the car and walked up the path to my front door, the tension seemed to dissipate, Finn's presence was reassuring, like a warm blanket on a cold night.

Once inside, we head to the living room where I settled onto the couch, curling my legs beneath me. He sat beside me, his eyes scanned my body with concern.

"Your arm?" he said softly, lifting my elbow which I grazed on the concrete when I fell earlier, with how high my emotions were running I didn't realize it was bleeding.

"Do you have a first aid box?" He asks and I nod, "It's under the kitchen sink" I reply.

As he returned with the first aid box, I couldn't help but feel grateful for his thoughtfulness. He carefully tended to the wound, cleaning it gently and applying a bandage with practiced ease.

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