Chapter 39

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Lily POV

The weekend's over now and I decided to return back to Harrington. Though Finn was somewhat upset that I didn't return with him, we're taking it one step at a time, leaving my idealistic perceptions of an Epic Love at the doorstep.

"Lily!" Jen exclaims, rushing to the door to greet me with an excited wave. Her eyes are bright with surprise. "You're back already!" "

Yeah, I am," I say, grinning as I step inside and hug her tightly. "I had a special visitor," I add, raising my eyebrows playfully, and she laughs, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

We stroll to the living room. "What visitor?" Kam asks, poking her head out from the kitchen where she's stirring a pot. She abandons the stove, wiping her hands on her apron, and joins us in the living room, looking intrigued.

"Finn visited our dear friend at her house," Jen says with a casual shrug,

Kam furrows her brow. "You cracked?" she asks, tilting her head in confusion.

I raise my eyebrows in equal confusion. "What do you mean?"

Kam turns to me, smiling. "Shawn called me a couple of days ago asking where you were, and I told him that I'd withhold sex if he asked that again, then hung up," she says bursting into laughter.

"There's no way on God's green earth you'd go through with that" I reply laughing.

"I know that ... you know that... Shawn does not know that" Kam replies still laughing then turns to Jen. "So..."

"Well... Kai called, and I said no initially," Jen starts, leaning back and crossing her arms with a dramatic flair, "but he agreed to try the sex position I'd been bugging him about and the cosplay. How could I say no?"

"Fuck off," I lean in closer, eyes wide with disbelief. I mean Finn said so, but I'm curious "Did he actually do it" I ask, I ask, my voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper.

"Oh yes," Jen says, fanning herself dramatically and letting out a loud, fake moan, making us all burst into laughter.

Kam's eyes widen with realization, and she claps a hand to her mouth. "Jesus, Jen, was that you two nights ago?" she exclaims, her jaw dropping.

Jen smiles sheepishly, her cheeks turning a slight shade of pink. "That's a story for another day," she says, waving it off. She looks back at me, her eyes narrowing with interest. "So ... how was the conversation with Finn?"

Kam leans forward, her hands clasped together eagerly, both of them staring at me expectantly.

"Well ... we go back together." I whisper, , blushing furiously, unable to hide the huge smile spreading across my face.

Suddenly, Kam bursts out laughing, causing me to look at her, confused.

"I'm sorry," Kam continues laughing, "All of this dramatics only to get back with him? Girl, don't insult Jen again."

Jen chuckles, shaking her head. "Hey, if you're happy, then I'm happy."

Kam nods, still smiling but with a protective glint in her eye. "Just remember, if he messes up again, we'll be ready." She punctuates her words with a playful but firm punch to her palm."

I smile at both of them. "Thanks, you two. What would I do without you."

"Crash and burn" Jen and Kam say in unison causing us to all laugh.

As I laugh, I feel a wave of relief I haven't felt in weeks, like a weight has been taken off my shoulders.

"I missed you," Finn says, snuggling into my side on his bed.

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