Chapter 2

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I'm taken aback when I opened my front door and saw the same guy from earlier standing there.

"Can I help?" I asked, trying to gauge his intentions.

"Sorry about earlier," he said with a friendly smile. "I'm going around giving out Fresher's Week flyers and an invite to a party tonight," he explained, his smile never wavering.

I took the flyer, feeling a bit puzzled. "Freshers' Flyers?" I questioned, feeling a bit lost.

"Oh, and I'm Finn, by the way" he continues.

I remember from when someone yelled his name earlier on, but I'm not about to say that.

He hands one of the flyers to me and I have a look. It describes activities taking place during the welcoming week for 1st years and includes various clubs sign-ups and the other flyer had the location for a welcoming party.

"Thanks, but no thanks" I reply handing him the flyer back, but he refuses and motions with his hands an X.

Finn persisted, teasing me lightly about my reluctance. "Come on now, how do you expect to meet people with that attitude?" he joked.

"I also didn't get your name. Where are your manners?" he added playfully.

"I know, just didn't want to give it" I retort half-jokingly.

He fakes a shocked expression and goes on " Please may I get your name, or shall I just call you 'butter fingers' ?" he teases referring to our initial encounter earlier.

"Do as you wish" I shrug and start closing the door.

Finn used his leg to block the door from closing fully and handed me the flyer again. "Oh, come on, just consider it. It'll be fun," he insisted.

Reluctantly, I took the flyer back, feeling a bit annoyed by Finn's persistence but not wanting to escalate the situation further.

"Okay," I reply with a fake grin.

He smiles and then closes my door.

I take the flyer and have a look at the events and dates, crumple it and toss it to the side.

I walk over to my bed and bring out my laptop from my duffle bag.

Might as well pass the time by watching something and I browse through Prime Video and decide on "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days", a classic with Kate Hudson and her iconic yellow backless dress.

The movie ends, and I decide to leave my room and get some groceries. I grab my phone off my table, and my tote bag, and head out.

I walk over to the grocery shop on campus that I noticed while Mum was driving earlier and grab a basket.

Grab some essentials and walk to the self-checkout point then glance at the regular checkout points.

"Sorry, can you please try another card we don't accept American Express." The employee asks the customer.

The customer has long braids cascading down her back. I can't make out her full face but from her side profile, her beauty is striking, with mesmerizing ebony features.

"Oh, uh yeah sure, give me a second" the flustered customer responds and rummages through her bag for cash, I assume.

I turn my attention back to my checkout machine finish scanning my items and pay. I start walking out when I hear a rather loud and frustrated guy.

"For fucks sake, it's been 5mins. If you don't have another card, drop the items and leave" he grumbles

The girl evidently embarrassed from that outburst, starts to drop the items, and walk away.

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