Chapter 14

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Lily's POV

We pull up to the arcade and I feel my phone buzz, I pick it up and notice I have a message – it's Finn.

'Where are you? Can we meet up?'Finn

You've got to be kidding me, why did he message me, now of all times.

Ignoring Finn's message, I shift my attention back to Nate. As we pull into the arcade's parking lot, Nate glances over at me, concern evident in his eyes. "

Are you okay?" he asks, his voice filled with genuine care.

I wave off his concern with a smile, trying to push aside the nagging thoughts about Finn and his unexpected message.

Nate smoothly parks the car and steps out, rushing to open the door for me like the gentleman he is.

Inside the bustling arcade, Nate and I navigate through the flashing lights. Despite the initial distraction, I'm determined to enjoy the evening with him.

As we approach a claw machine adorned with plush toys, Nate grins mischievously.

"I bet I can win you something cute," he declares, flashing a confident smirk.

I chuckle, shaking my head. "Sure, let's see your skills then."

With focused determination, Nate inserts a coin and manoeuvres the claw with precision. After a few tense seconds, the claw descends and miraculously grabs hold of a fluffy panda plush. The machine releases it into the chute, and Nate triumphantly retrieves the prize, presenting it to me with a wide grin.

"Ta-da! A little something to remember tonight," he says, handing me the adorable panda.

I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Thank you, Nate. It's adorable."

We continue our arcade adventure, trying our luck at various games and sharing laughter over silly mishaps.

Later, as we sit at a table enjoying some snacks, Nate leans in with a playful glint in his eyes.

"You know, I might not be able to play football like Finn, but I can definitely win at claw machines," Nate chuckles.

I laugh, playfully nudging his shoulder. "You definitely can. And you've won me this adorable plushie," I say, wiggling it in front of him.

"What are you going to call him?" Nate asks, taking a sip of his cola.

"Hmm, how about Mr. Dimps?" I suggest, smiling.

"Mr. Dimps?" Nate looks amused and a little confused.

"Well, yeah. You won it for me, and you have dimples, hence Mr. Dimps," I explain, shrugging.

Nate smiles. "Well then, are you and Mr. Dimps hungry?"

Before I can answer, my stomach growls loudly, and I feel the heat rise to my cheeks.

"I'll take that as a yes," Nate says with a grin, standing up and holding out his hand. I take it, feeling a flutter in my chest, and we head towards the exit.

We reach Nate's car, and he courteously opens the door for me before getting in on his side. The short drive to the bar is filled with light banter and the shared excitement of continuing our enjoyable evening.

As we arrive at the cozy bar, the warm glow of lights and the inviting aroma of food welcome us inside. Nate guides us to a booth by the window, offering a charming view of the bustling street outside. We settle in comfortably, and I can't help but notice how Nate's easy going nature and thoughtful gestures put me at ease.

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