chapter 2 .. idiot

105 7 2

In a call

"Jennie..he is coming today.. your getting a neighbour..he is fucking millionaire...😏"

"He?? it's a male...oh my fucking god.. it's going to be an know..."


"Hello kai?? are you in line?? hello???"


"Kai you scared me...where you came from??..did you have wings to fly?.."

"Jennie ,I'm an angel..."

''Angel my foot.."

"Anyways the guest called me and he will be here in an hour... did you clear the bottles we have last was still in the backward..."

"Kaii... I thought you removed it.."

"Jeniiii!!!! Runnn...."


"Kaiii... it's all because of you.. your the one who brings this bottle and told me it could be fun.."

", it's been fun.. but I thought you removed the the bottles.."

"Fucker your the one who invited me and not ur the the only one who make me do this shits..for a bullshit fucker from the so#$#*#*"...

"Kaiii move your hands from my mouth you idio---"

"Good morning sir... welcome to the old house.. it's-- ahh- nice to meet you.."

Jennie eyes widened with the embarrassment of calling someone a fucker infront of them.. not knowing they are behind her back... Jennie fucked up already...

"I'm can call me if there anything you need"

"And this is?"
taehung looked Jennie with a poker face

"I'm--ahh-jennie kim..nice to meet you"

Jennie shattered throughout her introduction..

"I'm Kim Taehung... I'm going to live here for some months.. I think namjoon already informed you..."

"Yes .yes .he informed us..hope you have a good days ahead..we are leaving"

Kai said controlling his laugh while looking at the embarassing Jennie behind his back...

"Bye "

Jennie said and walked ahead pushing kai together with her.. after waving a good bye to taehung...

"Ahhhh kai I fucked up in my first day with a new neighbour...ahhh.. I'm sick of myself..."

Kai was now laughing at Jennie who walking like a scared cat through the Library..

"I controlled you otherwise you will say something which make in go back to soul in the same car he came..."


"Bye..nini... I'm leaving I have some work to do with Jackson... bye see you at the library union on Sunday...bye "

"Bye.. don't forget to buy me strawberrys and the profits...see you on Sunday..."

"See you..."

O be continued<<<<<<✨

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