chapter 50..

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"Jennie I'm really so-"

The moment breaks with the cold lips that pressed against his lips..the answer for his question was the souls of the kiss that they share..

Tae pov

The kiss was so involved and passionate..she moved her hands through the thin hair, breathing the hot skin..her lips taste like the strawberry that missed with the tender Salt of her tears...

Taehyung's hand moved towards her slim waist which was now connected with the strong pair of taehyung's hand..and for the first time taehyung felt like floating around..his lips moved to the every part of her face until his lips met her's..

Her eyes were closed but the sudden disconnection of his lips make her eyes open..that meet with very impressive Taehyung who was looking at her with every desire..

"Taehyung I'm all urs.. don't disappoint me with ur desires.."

The moment was breathtaking beautifully..and then his lips met her' the entrence of love that they carried to long....

Guys... next chapter will be 🔞..
And I will post daily from you know I'm not really well but I will try my best..

Love you guys 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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