chapter 13..🌩️

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Jennie was stunned by the cold breaths that touch her neck..

"Tae-hu-ng wh-at are you doi-ng"?

Taehung don't reply he was addicted to the strawberry smell...the milk white skin, waves like hair,curved joo
Everything attracts him..


Taehung was unconscious about what was happening there..he was in the world of ha-yun and himself..

He slowly kissed jennie's neck.. and moved towards her lips..

Jennie was in shock..she forgot how to react..the sudden cold cover Jennie..the feel of securness came all over forgetting the touch of a stranger..she don't stop until the name he called comes to her mind

"Tae-hu-ng"will a fearful voice she pushed him away.... taehung came to his mind after realising what he did...

"J-enn-ie I -I'm r-ea-lly sor-ry.. I don-'t m-ean to do th-at"

"Nini... I'm back.."

Jennie's eyes wide open with the name of his friend..kai he entered with the handful of shopping bags...

"Kai..oh come in .."without showing any embarrassment jennie welcomed kai...

Somehow jennie was happy because her first love kissed her....

Jennie was in love with taehung from the first day..The day they met..the walk..the way he protested..the way he cared... everything make a reason for her feelings..and today the kiss..

"I'm leaving"

As fast as possible taehung get out from the library and walked towards his house... On his way he been thinking about what just happened with him and Jennie..

To be continued 🕊️

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