chapter 36..🐠

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Jennie was searching inside the library to get a glimpse of that stranger.. there is no sign of a stranger that stalking on her..she walked out with a huge disappointment but stopped by the library guide..

"Mr, someone told me to give it to you..."

"Who.. did you saw his face or something..."

"No mam I'm sorry "

Jennie was little anxious about the appearance of the strangers..

"Jennie.. don't believe the reality that your living in..the world is not a bed of roses for you darling.."

The world is not a bed of roses for you...the sentence repeat on her mind.. but it intrupted by a car horn that heard behind her...she looked back..her eyes meet with taehyung who was smiling at her ..

They were falling unknowingly... like the rain that says good bye to the clouds.. they heart singing millions of rhythm but nothing comes out..let them love unknowingly.. until they realise it's not a illusion that they carry around...

 until they realise it's not a illusion that they carry around

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"Taehyung I'm coming...."

Jennie signalled him and crossed the road to reach taehyung's hands...

Jennie thinking about the letter..she was a new bean that added to the big city..the things was too odd and unreal for her..and now she is added to the list of mystery again...

The world is not a bed of roses..

Her thoughts intrupted by taehyung's conversation..

"Jennie tomorrow is your biggest day..soo I could like to gift you something.. can we go and buy some clothes which you needed for you press conference...?"

"Noo did enough and I don't want to bother you anymore with myself.. and thank you for the request..."

'"no Jennie it's just a treat..and remember that ur not a burden to me.."

Jennnie was looking at him with heart in her eyes.. it's feels so good when ur half heart treat you well as you expected from him...

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