chapter 48..

49 3 2

The next moment of taehyung kissed the sorrow out from her
.that he craved for so long....the moment he realised he been in love for so long..

Jennie stared at me, her brown eyes wide in the dull light.he stroked her hand alone her hair..
"Your so beautiful,my love"

Jennie was confused but he don't need the light to see the blush coating her cheeks.he closed the small space between them and crushed his lips against hers.. Jennie signed as he pushed my tongue into her mouth..her hands moving to grip onto his hair..

It felt so good.. Jennie's mouth growing hotter and hotter the more they kissed,his hands dropping to run down with her bare arms and down over her waist..

Jennie shifted into her back as his hand slipped down to touch her legs..he followed and moved above her .. Jennie snapped her mouth from his with a gasp but he didn't get stop kissing her...he dragged his lips over her jaw to kiss along her neck..


Her voice broke into a terrific but most heart whelming moment but she was scared to open her eyes to witness it as a illusion but it's not..


Jennie request in a small voice afraid of how his reaction might be... Jennie was enjoying every inch of his lips but the reality is crucial for her...

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