chapter 38..🖤

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The oddatiller introduce, famous kim ya-sul the world wide write's daughter KIM JENNIE to the world with her first published.. TRAGIC..

Jennie was trending world wide because of the first announcement.. world is waiting for the new magic of her mind and pen..

Jennie was tensed..she was walking all around in taehyung's office with a sweating hands..

"Jennie..ah.. company announced already and...ah.."

"Taehyung was is too bad??"

"Ahh jenn..-"

"Don't make me stress.. please "

"JENNIE do you know who is trending world wide?? it's YOU!!!!"


The next moment Jennie Hovered over him with tears all her face.. it's was a really heart whelming thing... taehyung slid his hands on her thin hips which was perfectly designed for his vainly hands..the moment was beautiful and emotional..the two souls are searching for the comfort in each other..the tears wet the hims of his shirt and his grip tightened..his hands were perfect on her hips which was now hanging on to him..

After a few minutes Jennie let go him by losing the contact between their body.. but taehyung push her closer towards him without breaking the eye contact.. there lips were inches a part.. they both staring into their inner soul to fight against the argu to kiss.

Taehyung call her in a low voice breaking the eye from her's that passes to her lips..when she is still in his hands..

"You did so well..."

"Th-an-k y-ou ta-ehy-ung "

She was shattering over her own words which break down with a cold lips that landed on her.. taehyung kissed her with desires and compassion..her lips taste like berrys which reminds him of her...

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