chapter 14..⛈️

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Kai is now settled in the comfy couch watching the funny show called apartment 401.. Jennie was cooking for him and herself to fill the empty stomach the been empty from the morning...

Jennie was a little serious than usual which sharply noticed by kai....
He noticed her face turn into anger to shy.. then blush...kai was quick to notice the small shy smile on her face which make him laugh even harder...

"Nini why are you smiling like an idiot?are you sick or something..''

Kai asked with a laugh on his voice

"Nothing kai.. I was just thinking about the upcoming meet-up.."

She lied but it was clear for kai that she is lieing..

""Bad lier.."

"How do you know that I was notice everytime.."

"That because your bad.. really bad at it nini... lieing is a kind of art you know..."

Kai laugh at the annoyed cat face which was red now..

Jennie was not someone who can't lie...but it comes to was hard.. jennie share every fucking thing that happened in her life to kai.. even a mosquito kai was absolutely the one who find the things that Jennie hide...

"Kai.. actually-..I think I fall for the fucking millionaire.. I am in love with kim Taehung kai!!!!!!!"

Jennie said like a rap that happened in a monsters concert.. Jennie was depending on kai for literally everything..and his decision will be always good for her..

"Ohhh.. I expected..soo my nini is going to have a millionaire as her husband and because of that I'm rich tooo"

"Stop it idiot..."

To be continued 🕊️

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