chapter 21..🏖️

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"Jennie ...."

Taehung call her name that huged with a thin air..

It's starts to rain..the call rain touched his face..he felt it was the pain that jennie hold in her heart..or it's the pain that jennie hold in her heart for the future when she realise the truth behind her memories...

A sudden yelling was heard from nowhere..

"Move..move move aside!!!!!!"..

Jennie was running in the rain follow by Kai's yell..she was enjoying the brings me a relief that she is not going through any....

She stopped in front of me.. soaking in the rain... but she look beautiful which I can't describe in words...

 but she look beautiful which I can't describe in words

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(Imagine she is in the rain)

"Euhh..ur having an umbrella in rain..why can't you enjoy..?"

"Because he is not crazy like you nini.."

Kai reach us.. taking a heavy breath reaching an umbrella for Jennie..

"You guys are crazy that's why.... bye.. I'm leaving.."

Everytime I look at her the I remember how much she deserves to be loved..

"Taehung can we have a talk..?"

Kai asked

"Yes kai.."

"Taehung I know.. I know omma told you everything... but please don't ask anything because I don't want to see her in tears again.."

"What you mean by again kai?"

"Nini.. I mean Jennie,she was not always pleasant and smiling..she had a sad side too...she cried every night thinking about her parents who she believe as death..  which is useless.. useless for her..."


"Aahh I need to inform you something.. which is.. Jennie really l--"

Phone ringing

"Ohh taehung I need to go..see you later.." ...

"Oh bye kai..."

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