chapter 46..🎈

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Jennie was silent and calm making herself together..the sudden society anxiety remembered her of her past..

"Are you okay?"


She don't look at him but the voice is familiar for her..she already heard the voice but never recognise....

The man with black sit with her for some hours and calm her with comfort and care..he provides a sholder to cry until the sound of walking that heard from the distance...

"I think you could be okay.. don't be sad..and don't be a fool of yourself.."

She raised her eyes to hold on to him but in a thin air he disappeared leaving a small letter near her bench..

The moment was a little shocking.. Jennie was the one who searched for him but now he was near her for this whole hours...she hesitated take that letter... but a voice intrupted her and push her to hold the letter more close..

"Jennie are you okay.."

"Yes taehyung I'm alright..the sudden rush suffocated me that's all.."

"Ok can we leave?"


The way back Jennie was thinking about the strangers not knowing what taehyung Talking about..she was still searching from depth to find the man's voice which forbidden in her mind...

It was almost evening the sun was hiding in the clouds, getting dark,and it's about to rain.



"Can we stop near somewhere? I think it's about to rain.."..



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