chapter 30🌒

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The already arrived in the airport.. but taehyung noticed the nervesness in Jennie's look..

"Jennie do you need look a little stressed.. are you hungry or some--?"

"Taehyung I need to pee!!!"

It's was Sudden outburst which make taehyung laugh a little while Jennie was picking on his shirt with her hands with a sad face which make him even laugh hard..

''jennie follow me.."

Taehyung love how she ask help in a little manner..she agreed because she trust him to take care of her..and be with her which provides more than happiness to taehyung...she was not familiar with any kind of social life because of the oddly lonely feelings of Busan..

"Here we go.. I will wait in the check in area over there.."


The okay broke down with a sudden Slam on the door which make taehyung laugh..

Few minutes later..

Jennie was already finished with her stress..she was wasting her hands when someone called her name from behind..

"Ur Jennie right?.. someone told me to pass it to you.."

"Wait wh--"?

Before she complete the women walking away smirking on that confused girl...she open the letter which that women left in her hands..

"Waiting for you to know the lies..come fast little Jennie... I'm waiting for you right there..."

"Jennie why are you taking this long? Are you okay ".

Jennie get back to her sence when she heard the voice of taehyung..she hold the letter tight in her hands with a fear..

"Ya-ya I'm okay"

She walked out..

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