chapter 42..⚓

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Jennnie reached the company to meet with her head nd the other... it's a discussion of her next book "Awful trust"..the discussion last for 2 hours..she had 3 more hours to pass through so she decides to wall for the time and find something interesting..

"Jennie the man in tattoo told me to give it to you.."
One of the stuff pass her a letter.. without wasting time she run out to find the man.. but before she reach he walks out..he had tattoos all over him hands.. that was the only thing she found about the strange man...

"You will find it soon.. meet me at the time you drown yourself, I will be there to overwhelm your broken heart.. meet me at the place, where you souls get,not your heart.."

The man is completely shaking her mind..he is someone who knows her for years or a stranger that just happened to be a coincidence..??

Jennie was in total confusion..she needs to clear things..she needs to find the man who felt so strange..

A call intrupted her thoughts but make her smile looking at the screen..


"Nini I missed you so much.. what you doing everything good?"

"Yess.. I missed you too and ya everything in my hands.. things are going well.."

"What about you two?"

"Ah... good "


The yesterday KISS make her face turn red..the kiss was amazing when she was traveling the world with the way of love that he provides..

"We kissed... bye"

"Wh-kissed? Jennie hyy"

The call ended with a red like girl who runs to the library until bunbed into someone's strong chest..

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