chapter 16..☃️

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As days pass...the feelings that Jennie held grown to far.. whenever she see him her heart race..her eyes shine.. butterflies grow wind..

But everytime he see Jennie it remember him of ha-yun his girl..he see her in Jennie everytime she walk pass he wants to hug her leave a lot of kiss on her lips..

After that incident..he apologized for what he had done and they were in a good terms.. they talk about their in soul compared to Busan.. about the rain, winter Everything..


"Taehung what are you doing here?Do you need anything.. come inside.."

Today taehung was determined to know about Jennie..he knows jennie was hiding something..and he wants to who's that man who attacked jen that because of that he decides to see and talk to the ajumma he talked that day when he came to the store..

The women in that shop were Kai's mother so partially she may know jennie so well.. I'm sure that kai will not cooperating with me about her personal matters..

So I decided to have a talk with that woman..

"Thanks ajumma"

"Why you anything bothers you?..

"Actually..ahh.. I want to know about.. Jennie.."


Actually ajumma know about Jennie's feelings towards him..she was so happy for the young girl.. even tho she wants her to be her daughter in law which is never gonna happen.. with a bright smile she replied...

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