chapter 31🌠

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Taehyung noticed how awful Jennie was but she said she was ok.. I know she was hiding something but he never dare to ask..he thought it was because of her first fly..

The plane take off with in 5 mins.. taehyung noticed a small paper that Jennie hold tightly..

"Jennie what is that in your hands.."

The question marked on her mind which causes her eyes to widen..

"It's not-hing "

"Jennie I know something is wrong.just share it with me I can help you with it.."


Excuse me can you move a little..a stranger blocked there conversation to have his sit..he been looking at Jennie until he have his sit which noticed by taehyung and build a New kind of possessiveness..the way he looking at her make him go stab that man until he die..

It was 16 hours flight that make both of them tired.. taehyung fall a sleep after a tight drive to the airport.. Jennie was still holding on to the incident which happens in the toilet..

Jennie was worried about the place that she gonna live alone.. it was just to terrible because of what gonna happen next..or who was waiting for her         

her thoughts intrupted my the strangers hands which sliding on her knees and towards up..her breath aches by the suppen rush of discomfort and fear....


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