chapter 18..🏜️

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Me and yas-sul were bestfriend from the beginning of of birth.. yas-sul was good at writing and talking...

But later I found some changes in her.. that's when she met kim hun-sok...the man you told me...the man who visited Jennie that day..he forced yas-sul to go to soul because he needs money From her.. from her skills her writings.. after that I don-'t had any contact or any kind of communication with her..she fly away in a thin air..the only thing we heard about her was her New about her success and growth..

18 th March
1998 after 3 years

We received a letter from yas-sul that ..

"Dear sa-njo
            I'm yas-sul.. I need to talk to you.. come to soul...I don't have any other me to get out and don't reply to this letter he is watching me behind..come to soul on 23rd I sended you the ticket.. I need you here.. I'm tired sa-njo.. help me..

                                     Yas-sul kim"

On 23 March.. I visited her on the soul Subway.. I was shocked to see her,she was vulnerable and the scares on her face and hands was clear for me how she have been...she run towards me with a eyes full.. but a little girl was behind her holding a little chocolate and she was crying because of the loud Subways..


That day we took a room for hiding from the monster that searching for her...the little girl was holding her mom so tight which yas-sul never cared...

"Yas-sul tell me what happened??."

I asked looking at yas-sul for an explanation.. and who is that girl?..

To be continued ✨

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