chapter 43..⛲

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"Jennie where you running?"

"Oh. Tae-hyu-ng wh-at are yo-u do-ing her-e?"

"To pick you up for the lunch.. Jennie you look like a tomato what happened to your face "?

"Nothing.. nothing really..ah Kai called me that why.."


It's turn taehyung mood down..he feels possesive and protective..he was just too against any other guys contact with Jennie even she is no one to her..

They reached the restaurant.. after ah small ride..the ride was quite fun for both of them..they discussed about their favourite song, writer, movie..they launched together,  the ride was fun ..

"Jennie where you never"?

"Pizza and cold coffee.."

"Okay..ah how your day gone was it you meet anyone new.."

"Ya its been I don't really meet anyone.
What you asked.."

" Just to know..and anything else.."

"No thanks"

Taehyung was trying his hard to continue the contact but Jennie was starting at someone else behind him..he turn around meet with a cold eyes..his face was covered with mask and a hat.. Jennie was staring at him intentionally with piss him off..

Jennie felt eyes on her from the moment she entered the restaurant but cut off my the question of tae..she was searching the table untill she meet the same person from an hour ago..

She stands up to walk towards him but stopped by taehyung's hard grip on her hands..

"Where are you going?"

It was the mixture of cold and anger..the possesive side of him were to sharp that scared her..

"Leave me.. I need to see him."

She said in a low voice not looking at taehyung her eyes follow the man..she knows he was clearly smirking under his mask... which make her want to rip the shit out of him..

Before he leaves..he took out a paper and passed it under the glass which was clearly a sigiof her to take..she followed his eyes untill the grip get tight..

"Jennie who is that guy..?

"I don't know "

"You don't know what a bull--"

"Stop it please..he is just a stranger that I don't know"but craving to know

The last words was silent..

The strangers the she craving to know

The strangers the she craving to know

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