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"Our next guest is the quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers current Superbowl MVP and Champion, please help me welcome Colin Kaepernick." Jimmy ( Kimmel) says and I walk out to an abundance of screams, mostly from the ladies. I smile and wave, and make my way over to give Jimmy a handshake. I sit down and they're still cheering.

"They love you." He says as it gets quiet.

"I love them too." And the screams get loud again.

"Is this how it's gonna be for the rest of the interview, he says something and you scream?" I laugh along with everyone else. "So Super Bowl champions. How does it feel."

"It feels good. Feels really good to bring a championship back to the Bay Area. It's been a while."

"So let me get this straight, you start 8 games mid season, and you run your way to a Super Bowl."

"If that's what you wanna call it."

"How are you so fast?"

"I don't know. It's just always been an assets for me, I have long legs, which typically means long strides and I don't know. When I take off, I don't want anyone to catch me."

"Well you did a good job making sure they didn't, but that was just a second option because obviously you have to throw the ball because that's how football works."

"Yup. I just did whichever one to help us win and put us in position to make better plays."

"How has life changed for you. I'm sure it has."

"It has changed tremendously. I get noticed everywhere now. I can't even go into like CVS or something to buy cold medicine without getting asked for a picture. Little things like that, that has never happened to me before."

"Really, you never got noticed. How could someone not notice a 7 foot tower walking in."

I giggle. "I'm only 6'4...but I get your point...and they sure do notice now."

"You're also noticeable because of your tattoos. How many do you have?"

"Too many to count. I got my first one in college, and I've just been adding on every since."

"I see it's been talked about around the league."

"Yeaaaah." I say and sighing at the same time.

"You know a lot of people say well you don't look like a typical quarterback...think is, I don't wanna be a typical quarterback. I have my own style and have a way I want to look, and if people have a problem with it, oh well. You know I don't do things to please others. If my 4 year old daughter doesn't have a problem with it and doesn't see me as a thug, or scary, then why should I even care."

"Well said, and how is it being a dad?"

"Being a dad is awesome. She's definitely brought a light to my world that will never die, and I'm blessed that she's in my life."

"And I'm sure every woman in our studio audience and our viewers at home want to know...are you single." They all start cheering and yelling.

"Yes, I'm single." The cheering gets loud again.

"I'll make sure we get you some extra security in the way out today."

"Preciate it."

"Thanks for joining us Colin."

"Thanks for having me."

"You can catch Colin on the field come next season in September...we'll be right back."

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