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{Aaliyah's POV}

A couple days go by and since it's almost time for Riley to start school, with all the money I've been able to save, I'm gonna go all out for Riley's school clothes and shoes. Riley's still asleep, I'm in the kitchen making breakfast. Quinton walks in the kitchen and sits a yellow envelope on the counter. "Good morning."


"What's this?"

"Why don't you open it, then tell me." I grab the envelope and pull out pictures of Colin and I from when he dropped me off from the hotel. Pictures of me going to his house.

"You were spying on me?"

"Colin has you wrapped around your finger...he'll make you surrender to him every time. Surely you didn't think I wouldn't have someone to check up on you." He says standing closely behind me. "Did you fuck him?"


"Don't lie to me. You don't want to know what happens to someone who lies to me."

"Are you threatening me."

"I'm asking you a question."

"I didn't fuck him. Okay. It's obvious that I kissed him, but that's it." He aggressively pulls my hair, making my head cock back towards his chest.

"Good. Because I'm sure you don't want anything happening to Riley's would you?"

"No." I say weakly.

"Hm." He pulls my hair more. "I can't hear you."

"No." I say louder. He lets my hair go. My phone that's on the counter next to me vibrates twice. He grabs it before I do. I have a passcode on my phone, that he doesn't know.

"You'd get him off your line if you knew what was good for you...and him." He grabs a piece of toast and a cup of coffee.

"Hey pretty girl." He says as Riley rushes passed him.

"Morning Mr. Q." She says as he's walking out. "Good morning mommy."

"Good morning...go have a seat, breakfast is almost ready." I check my message while making her plate.

Colin: Good Morning. Just wanted to say I miss you both and I really hope you reconsider. I need you and Riley in my life. You girls complete me. I'll always love you...I just hope the feelings mutual. Have a good day, and tell Riley I'll call her after my workout.

I smile and put the phone back down on the counter. I fix our plates and sit next to her at the table. "Your dad said that he's gonna call you later after he finishes his workouts." She nods while putting a piece of bacon in her mouth. "So I was thinking we'd have a girl's day and go shopping for school clothes."

"And shoes?" She's so her father's daughter.

"Yes baby girl...and shoes."

"I wanna have a lot of shoes like daddy."

"Well you have to talk to daddy about that. I'm sure he'll buy you all the shoes you want."


{Colin's POV}

Its early in the's about 7:15. I just not too long ago landed in New York. It's Riley's first day of Pre-K and there was no way in hell I'd miss her first day. I got my phone ready to take a thousand pictures. Aaliyah knows I'm here, but Riley doesn''s gonna be a surprise.

I pull up to her school, and I see them pull up. As they're walking up to the school entrance, I trail them. "Little bear." She turns around and a big smile comes across her face.

"Daddy!!!" She runs up to me and I pick her up.

I put her down. "You ready...this is a big step. Big girl school!"

"I think so. I'm scared."

"What you scared for?"

"What if they don't like me?"

"If they don't like you, then so be it. You're a great kid, who's gonna do great things. So don't let what anyone says get to you. Understand?"

"Yes sir. I understand."

"Good. Before we go in...we gotta take some pictures."

"Mommy already took a lot, daddy."

"So, now daddy has to take a lot." She puts he head back and sighs. "Come on little bear, just a few."

"Fine daddy." I take more than just a few, and we take some together. We walk her to her class and I meet her teacher, who's pretty much star struck...we look through the window in the door and see that she's getting settled in just nicely, then we head to the car.

"Thanks for coming. I know that meant a lot to her."

"It means a lot to us both. I didn't want to miss such a big milestone in her life, ya know." I open the door of the building and she walks through first and I follow behind her. "Lts go get some breakfast."

"Sure....why not."

"Well since you love here, I'll follow you. Take me to the best breakfast spot."

"Okay." We get in our cars and I follow her. We get seated and I start looking over the menu.

"So how'd you get out of practice?"

"It was cancelled actually. I think it was God's way of saying I needed to be here."

"I'm glad....Colin. We need to talk."

"Sure...about what."

"Aaliyah, what you doin here?" I look next to me, and Quinton's standing at our table.

"Having breakfast bruh. Now excuse yourself, cause you wasn't invited."


"Shut up Aaliyah." He says in a stern voice.

"Don't talk to her like that." I say standing up.

"I can do whatever I want. Aaliyah go get in your car and go home."

"You ain't gotta go nowhere I suggest you get to steppin."

"Or what?"

"I'll beat you like you stole somethin."

"And risk everything this season. You ain't that stupid bruh. Lets go Aaliyah." He grabs her hand and pushes her in front of him." I follow them out the restaurant. "You follow us and I can bet your ass will be sittin in jail." He says then walks off.


{Aaliyah's POV}

"Get your ass in the house Aaliyah." He says as I get out the car. "What the hell was you doin with that nigga?"

"We were having breakfast."


"I can't have breakfast with the father of my child."

"No, you may not. So you can fuck him again. I'm not stupid Aaliyah. I know when you're lying and when you aren't.."

"I didn't.."

"SHUT THE HELL UP." He says while slapping me to the ground. "I TOLD YOUR ASS DON'T LIE TO ME." He bends down. "If I see that nigga around...I swear to God I will end his life. If you run...that will be the end of yours. Try me." He stands up. "Keep your ass in the house too. I'll pick up Riley from school." He says while leaving.

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