Birthday on the argo )( Frank Zhang x F!Reader

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I sat bleary eyed in the dock. Enjoying the stillness and fresh air of the chilly morning. Inhaling I felt the chill coat my lungs, a sense of familiarity filled me. I felt at home in the morning chill, my breath fogging before me. It felt nice to have a sense of home, especially on the day I turn sixteen. The number brought a bitter taste to my mouth. I lean my head back, closing my eyes. Enjoying the quiet morning. Waiting for the sun to rise.

"Y/n?" I open my eyes and turn towards the voice.

I found Frank standing at the stairs to the upper deck.

"Morning, Frank." I smile lightly, patting the ground beside me. It didn't surprise me Frank was looking for me. He's an early riser and he enjoys my company. I enjoy his to.

"How your sleep love?" Frank asks sitting next to me. His knees making that familiar crack.

"It was... good, sort of. Yours?" I lean onto his shoulder, his arm wrapping around my shoulder.

"As good as bumpy sleep is." He reply's looking at the horizon. I look with him watching the sun rise. I focus on his breathing, bringing a sense of calm over me. Frank always manages to make me feel calm and safe. He had the feeling in the air around him, an aura the Venus kids called it.

"I have something for you." Frank breaks the silence. His arm tightens around me bringing me closer to him. His other hand digs into his pocket grabbing a rectangular package.

He hands me the package telling my to open it. I stare at him for a second before my face cracks into a smile. He got me gift.

I begin to unravel the package to find a rectangular drawing of my favourite flower.

"I had Hazel draw it for you." Frank smiles sheepishly.

"There more under it."

I lift the card to find a copy of my favourite book. It was a bit beat up but still in amazing condition.

I look at Frank smiling widely, practically beaming.

"I saw it when me and Jason went into the thrift so we thought I'd get it for you." Frank smiles light, looking to my eyes lovingly.

"Coach hedge gave us the extra dollars." He said.

"Frank, I-" I try to speak, my throat closing up. They still remembered my birthday even with the prophecy of eight deal. Frank remembered.

I lift his hand kissing his knuckles lightly.

"Thank you Frank." I mumble into his hand.

Frank cups my face pulling me towards him.

"Happy birthday Y/n." Hi kisses into my hair.

We stayed like that his arm around and my head on his shoulder. Listening to his heartbeat I felt a tug of exhaust bother me.

"You can sleep if you'd like." Frank says, as if noticing my change.

"Thanks you Frank." I kiss into his neck lightly before I lay my head gently on him.

Maybe being sixteen wouldn't be that bad. After all I had Frank by my side. And that's all I needed right now.




Some cute praetor Frank Zhang appreciation! Plz guys he's such a dope character‼️

Im on spring break so be ready for these one hairs to be mass produced 😋😋

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