"Home?" )( Nissa x M!Reader

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Nissa's hands run through my hair, playing mindlessly while she looked over some blue prints. They looked house-y, probably a new cabin of sorts. My head was in her lap while we sat in her bed in Cabin nine. A relaxing day compared to the normal camps chaos.

Every now and then Nissa would stop and scratch at my scalp lightly, more of a massage than anything. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, basking in the calm she granted me.

Children of Athena never stopped thinking, but with her, my mind turned off. The only thing I could acknowledge was her.

Her hair, how it was always out of her face with a bandana. I loved it like that, I also loved it while down and in her face. I loved the scowl she displays whenever a hair falls. I especially loved when she smiled though, or when she laughed. Both, of course, going hand in hand.

I think I loved everything about Nissa.

Once again Nissas hand stopped moving. Instead she cupped my face, titling my chin up to meet her upside down eyes. Her powerful brown eyes met mine, I didn't want to ever know another shade of brown.

"Y'know Y/n," Nissa starts. Thumb stroking along my jawline.

"I'm going to build us a home," She stated "it's going to have two stories. And it's going to have a slanted roof room, with those windows you love."

I listened contently as Nissa told me the plans she held for us. Plans she dreamt for, plans I dreamt for. She explained where she wanted us to live, rooms with purposes for them, what plants we'd have in our garden.

Through her plans I could see us both, I could see her love for plants and I could also see my love for the sun. I could see how she built a whole world surrounding us and our future. A future we would share.

"That's going to be our forever home." Nissa finishes, her eyes never left mine while she smiled. My eyes fluttered shut lightly, I somehow leaned more into her warm embrace.

"Forever?" I breath. Opening my eyes again.

"Forever." She said. Nissa was so confident in that fact. I was glad she was.

My heart swelled. Nissa had pictured a future  for her and I. A future that would hopefully grace us.

"Perfect." I smile. Red-brown eyes reassure me. Nissas eyes reassure me.

I'm going to love Nissa till the day I die.

Haha imagine he dies real soon. JK JK 🫶🏻

I'm anyways, I go on a trip on Wednesday, I'm gone for six days and won't be posting at all. I'm super busy and stuff, so like, yeah.

Sorry for slow updates, also I belive I'm done my requests.

All my notifications were wiped for some reason, didn't know what was possible, and I love yall lots, but I am not looking through my posts for random requests 😭. (Some ppl didn't use the request page lmao!)

Help I apparently have a light country accent???? I don't hear it, everyone here talks like I do 😔

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