Calypso plays cupid )(Leo Valdez x M!Reader!Mortal AU

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"Leo get your ass out here! It's about to be rush hour!" Cal pulled on my wrist, dragging me to the counter and out of the break room. At about 12:30 every day the cafe got really busy. It was a touristy shop, we had a mechanics section in the cafe. It was a fun thing for people to do. And peaked mine and Cals interests, so perfect place to work—most times.

"Fineeee." I groan, letting her drag me. Already finding people at the till.

"Oh my god." She mumbles. "Leo if you dip I will murder you."

She let go of my wrist and pointed at the other register. There were only three of us in the shop today.

"Ok Calypso, girl chill." I raise my hands, smiling and walking to the next till. She smiled back and quickly flipped me off. Me and her go way back, being friends since our first year of high school. I had accidentally fallen on the ground in front of her in foods class, in the process burning my arm. She helped patch my arm up, we instantly bonded over our shared interest of mechanics and foods.

"What can I get for you?" I asked the brown haired girl. She ordered a coffee.

"What can I get for you?" I asked the blond boy. He ordered a scone. Yuck.

"What can I get for you?" I asked the black haired boy. He ordered an iced coffee.

Everything was so boring. Boring people (no offense hopefully.), boring orders, boring small talk.

It was finally the end of the rush, only a few people remaining.

"What can I get for you?" I asked a h/c boy.

He paused for a second in thought.

"Can I get a... a banana pecan muffin please? Oh and an iced coffee. Please?" He said, voice barely loud enough for me to hear.

"Yeah! Your order number is 228, and that will be 12.97$." I smiled. This boy was cute. About my height, nice h/c, pretty e/c and warm s/t. His clothes looked like he just walked out of a Pinterest board. I watched as he fumbled with his card for a moment, using the tap machine. I totally would take this dude on a date.

When he finished I printed the receipt.

"Would you like the receipt?" I ask.

"Uh yes please." He mumbled pushing his wallet back into his jean pocket.

I put my arm out to hand it to him. My avatar tattoo visible, the fire nation symbol.

"No way! Is that a fire nation symbol?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, uh, yeah. You like avatar?" I ask. Oh my god this boy keeps getting better.

"I've liked it since I was young. Um one sec." He reaches into his sweater pocket. He pulled out a pen, taking the cap off quickly. He quickly scribbled something on the back. His face reddened slightly as he placed the pen back in his pocket.

"Order 228!" Cal yelled. He jumped slightly, handing me the recipient back.

"My names, Y/n." He avoided eye contact. I looked down at the receipt and found a phone number. I stared at it a second before I looked up. Only to find him not there and going to pick up his order from Calypso. I watched them converse quickly and he waved to her on his way out.

Calypso turned to me smiling slyly.

"So... did you like my friend Y/n?" She mocked innocence.

Calypso has been trying to set me up with a boy from her med class. I've been refusing cause frankly she hangs out with some weird people.

"That was the y/n!?" I yell, instantly covering my mouth. She laughs, leaning over as if resting.

"Oh Leo it was so easy. I knew you would like him you stubborn oaf!" She continues laughing at me.

She had me there. He was cute and I really wanted to go out with him one night.

"Did he know?" I mumble. That would make this way more worse for me.

"Oh, no he didn't." She smiled. Oh my god this girl.

"Why are you playing match maker! That could have gone wrong you know!" I grab her face with my hands, making intense and hopefully intimidating eye contact.

She smiled smugly. "But it didn't. And he also doesn't give his number willingly most times, so your special mcshizzle."

I felt my face heat up as I pulled away. Y/n.

He was cute and like avatar.

THROUGH AWAY! I wrote it sour of the moment, quite impulsive 😋

Only edited briefly so might be some mestakes!

Idk bout yall but I live for Caleo.

In 'X Readers' I like to make Leo and calypso close friends 🫶🏻

If you don't like her you can suck it!

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