Overtired )( Percy Jackson x Reader

461 5 11

(Yall ain't dating yet btw, sorry boo)

Everything felt a bit hazy. I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. It was my turn in the infirmary and I didn't want to make Will work anymore—

"Y/n!" I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to the person.

"Oh. Hey Annabeth." I mumble, rubbing my eyes.

"Dude are you ok? I said your name like ten times before you acknowledged me." Annabeths eyes were full of concern.

"Yep, just dandy," I lied. "Only a little tired."

"You're slumped in your chair, you have really obvious eye bags, you're acting really weird, you're yawning very five seconds, and your words are slightly slurring. Also you're literally struggling to look at me. " She observes. Her eyes scaling me. "You need to go to bed."

As if a dam breaks excuses start pouring out of me. "No I'm fine-, really I'm totally fine Annabeth please." 

"I really really don't want to Will work anymore, I'm literally a healer, it's my entire birth purpose. I should be fine. I'll be fine, please." I beg, slight panic bubbling.

"I'll be back." Annabeth sighs, eyes full of worry for me. She jogs out, leaving the door of the office open. I have a slight idea on where she may be going, I'm praying to every god I can name it's not who I think it is. This is so not good. I really don't need anyone worrying over me, as one of the medics I should be the one worrying, I shouldn't be worried about.

I heard a knock at the door. Reluctantly I turn in my chair to see who it is. Shit. Percy, in all his glory. His blond hair messy and slightly damp, he must have been sparring. His sea blue eyes throwing daggers into mine. He stood leaning against the door frame, arms crossed.

"Hey Percy..." I quip, smiling sheepishly. I knew exactly why he was here and he knew I knew.

"When was the last time you slept?" He questioned. The things is I can't recall the least time I slept properly, I had maybe hour long naps at my desk, but really that it. Was I going to tell him that? No.

"Um... today?" I said. He looked at me raising an eye brow, clearly not wooed by my words.

"Try again." He pressed.

"It's fine really— I'm not that tired even." I shrugged, turning to get back to what I was doing before hand. What was I doing?

I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n. You need to go to bed, Kayla or Will can take over." Percy sighed. Turning me towards him. Damned spinning chairs.

"But they've been working so hard! And frankly I think I could be doing more around the infirmary, and plus I told Will to take the week off a few days ago, and I didn't want to stress Kayla— really I'm fine!" I rambled. My words slightly blurring together. I didn't really understand what I was saying and I doubt Percy did.

"You're coming to nap in my cabin. You're going to sleep for long enough, then you're going to eat and hydrate." Percy lifts me off the chair, sliding an arm around my waist.

"Percy—" I grunt. "no I can't just go take a nap! There's some kids in the infirmary right now. What if someone—" I'm cut off by Percy covering my mouth with his hand. A quite random gesture but effective.

"Non of that nonsense. Remember last time you were like this? Y/n you were wreck, mentally and physically, so please let me take you to sleep." Percy pleads with me. Still slightly dragging me out of the Apollo cabin.

"Ok, ok." I sigh. "I could nap..."

I lean my head on Percy's shoulder as we walked out of the cabin. Squinting hard core— because it's blindingly bright. The walk to Percy's cabin felt really short.

He let go of me a moment to go grab something from his dresser. I tried to walk towards the bed in the other side only to stumble. It felt like I was being suffocated by exhaustion all of a sudden.

"Whoa there sunny," Percy grunts grabbing at me. "Here's some comfier pants, go get changed."

He leads me towards the bathroom. Him supporting most of my body weight. Before he lets me go he kissed the top of my head. If I wasn't  about to pass out due to lack of sleep I'd maybe pass out because Percy Jackson just kissed my head.

—skip bc I'm super lazy and.. yeah ok jsut lazy—

"You're gonna sleep, understand?" Percy stares at me expectingly.

"Mmmm" I hum in agreement.

Percy lays me on the bed, leaning over to kiss my temple. He kissed me again. I inhale is sea salty sent, feeling a new sense of calm wash over me. My eye lids are already feeling heavier. Percy stands there and stares at me worriedly.

"Can... can you stay?" I mumble. Finding it harder and harder to talk. Percy falters for a moment before he smiles at me.

"Of course."


Anyways I love Percy, you love Percy, we all love Percy.

(I made that up as I wrote this little bit.)

It's so cold of Apollo of me to be scared of snakes and the dark bro, like holy crap get me a satyr buddy please 🫶🏻

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