Headache. )( Will Solace x F!Reader

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Everything was so loud. I'm glad it was sounds of cheer and all this yippee happy stuff because we won against the earth. But gods it was loud. My head hurt and my ear plugs were out of commission.

I manoeuvre through the crowed, trying to find a back corner of some kind. A place were its quiet, and maybe the throbbing in my head would
subside. It was easy to slip through, only having to shove a few people. I wasn't paying attention to the people around me, my only goal to get out of the never ending crowed. Suddenly I crash into a body. Looking up I recognize the boy instantly.

"Oh thank the gods you here." I groan pushing my face into Wills chest, hugging him. It was the first time I'd seen him since before the battle, and he's my personal doctor.

"Hey you ok?" His hands grab at my forearms, the skin on skin contact alerting him of my issue. "Big house."

I do nothing but pull back and bring my hands to my temples, hoping that motion would some how erase the headache. Though that's wouldn't happen until I got a new pair of earplugs and Advil.

Will gently leads me out of the crowd, arm wrapped around me in a supporting matter. He's been helping me with these headaches since I can remember. He pushes through the crowd so smoothly, not a single mishap. Will was always like that, smooth and breezy. Every one admired that about him. Especially me.

Finally the crowed was thinning and I could see the big house. Camp wasn't meant to fit Roman's and Greeks and it showed. Not once did Will let go of me, he made sure the skin of his hands was meeting mine. So he could properly monitor how I felt. He was at camp for about a week before he got claimed, one of the hints I picked up was him always knowing when someone felt off. After I confronted him about it we instantly clicked.

We start up the stairs towards the white door. Will goes to push it open for us, holding it open as I pass him. As soon as the doors shut the world quiets.

"I'll get the Advil. You know where we keep the earplugs." Will says. I direct my self to the familiar cupboards, Chiron has been buying me earplugs since my first week at camp. My sensitive hearing has been causing headaches since I could remember, an annoying trait I'd like to mention.

Grabbing a pair and instantly putting them in, I could swear I felt instantly better. In reality I didn't, but I'm hopeful. I exhale slowly, trying to release the built up tension in my muscles. Closing my eyes I lean over the counter, my hands holding my head as if my body couldn't do it anymore. I knew it could, I knew I could have gotten to the big house on my own,  and I could have gotten the Advil on my own. But I needed to be around Will. We won a war today. I needed to sit with him and maybe hold him while he held me. I needed to soak in the fact we both made it out alive, again. I needed to soak in the fact that the fates had been in my favour, that I didn't loose the one I care for most.

He came beside me, putting a glass of ice water  down. The way I like it. In a plastic cup so I can't see the debris ice leave in the water so I don't get freaked out, even though I know it's there it doesn't matter because I can't see it. It's stupid really and he's told me that, but every time he's gotten me a glass of water he does it to my liking.

"Take one of these." He mummers to me, speaking quietly. Although I would listen to anytime of the day, my head could be throbbing or it could be three in the morning. In any case I'll listen to his voice, and in any case I'll look for it.

I take a sip of water, not swallowing before I take the pill from the boys hand. Putting the pill into my mouth I chug the icy water, the sharpness of the water evading my mouth. The entire time he's rubbing my back soothingly. When I was younger I used to be scared to swallow pills, some silly fear I'm still getting over. His action brought comfort over me I didn't know I needed. He's alive.

"You're alive." I whisper, turning my gaze to him. Staring into his sky blue eyes, they shine against our dark surroundings. The sun had set during our adventure. His blonde hair was messy and dirt filled, I couldn't say I was in a better state. My h/c was tussled, a mess forced into a sloppy braid. I'm sure there was dirt and grime framing my face while blood splatters and singed fabric litter my body.

None of that seemed to matter in the moment. It didn't to matter when his hands cupped my face, and he pulled me in. Connecting in a hungry but simple kiss. He pulled away quickly, worry across his face.

"I'm sorry-" He pulled his hands from my face. "I should have asked."

Instead of speaking I pulled him in by his collar. Effectively shutting him up in the best way possible.

His hands met my waist, they settled perfectly. As if we were puzzle pieces meant to lay together. We completed each other, amazingly in sync. I pull away only to embrace him, needing to hold him. Needing to hold him in a way I haven't before, I held him with new emotions.

"Don't apologize." I breath, smiling slightly to my self as he held me. I knew I wanted him to hold me but I don't know I wanted it this much.

Easy headaches peeps where ya at ‼️🙌🏻

I had a major headache after badminton practice last week (I forgot my earplugs) and I was DYING.

But it inspired this mess so it's ok 😋

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