You are so dead. )( Leo Valdez x Reader

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"You'll come back?" I asked. I felt a cloak of sadness surround me and Leo.

"I don't know." He sighs. He was being sent off to some wilderness school because he tried to run away again. We knew something like this would happen. We also knew there was a chance we would never see each other again, which was eating us from the inside out. We've gone home to home with each other since we were five, Jane always made sure we stuck together. She can't make sure this time.

After that day I never saw him again. Leo became the boy I knew at one point in my life.

I heard there were some new kids at camp, kids apparently associated with Percy. So when Will came knocking on the cabin ten door to show one around I wasn't surprised. No one else was in the cabin, mainly because I wasn't supposed to be, so I had to answer the door. I had valid reasons to be in my cabin anyways.

"Come in, Will." I groan not being able to back away from my dish washing.

"Coming!" He yelled, opening the door. "Ooh what'ya baking?"

"Cake. It's an old friend's favourite." I say not turning around.

"Cool, anyways this is a new camper. Leo meet y/n." Will says. A feeling of dread drips down my spine, and now I'm scared to turn around. It can't be him, according to Jane he died. Today.

When I do turn around I find exactly who I wanted. Leo fucking Valdez, in all his glory. He's changed since he was 14, taller, leaner, hair as messy as ever. His eyes stayed the same, and he had stupid impish grin.

His face is falls, eyes carrying lots of emotions.

"Fancy seeing you here?" Leo's voice cracks.

"Excuse me?" Will turns to him.

Leo opens his mouth but before he can explain I interrupt.

"Leo your ass is so dead." I growl, glaring at the boy.

"Um." Is all he says.

"You disappear off to that stupid school then TODAY Jane's calling me saying you died!?" I yell.

"Two years you're gone at school! And then I'm hearing you dropped off the Grand Canyon? And now you're here? Since you aren't dead maybe I'll send your sorry ass to hades my self you little shit." I rage, English and French mixing together. I take a step forward towards him, completely forgetting about Will.

"And not to mention I had to get used to you not being around after you were around for nine years—" I rant, interrupted by Will.

"Ok,Ok sh! Will steps in between me and Leo. His face contorted in confusion. "What is happens in here?"

Will looks at Leo, seeking answers.

"We were in foster together." Leo explains.

"And then he got sent away!" I just in.

"We were in the system together for nine years like she said, then two years ago I got sent to wilderness school, in Nevada." He continues ignoring my interruption. What a prick, but gods did I miss him. I want to slap him so hard.

"And apparently our old agent told her I died... today." Leo's gaze travels to me. I watch as his eyes soften after landing on mine.

"Well, I'm not dead." He shrugs, smiling weakly. As if a dam broke, I jump at him grabbing him into a violent hug.

"I'm gonna go..." I hear Will say as the door shuts.

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