Daughter of the sea. )( Piper Mclean x F!Reader. pt 2

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(Erm like sad or smth? 😋)

I was claimed four months ago.

Everything was confusing. I didn't feel destined for greatness like Chiron said I would be. Being the one and only daughter of Posiedon was a big deal. I didn't feel like a big deal, and frankly I don't want to. I just want to be Y/n.

Everything sucked. Even when it didn't it did.

"Y/n..?" Piper calls from my door, cracking it open.

I lift my head and look at her, the sun behind gives her this glow. An aura of warmth. Her choppy brown hair in a braid, a pair of simple jeans paired with her camp half blood shirt. She looks amazing in it, she looks amazing in everything though.

"You weren't at arts and crafts." She says softly, eyes full of concern. She walks towards me closing the door behind her.

I shrug, looking away. I'm afraid if I tried to speak my voice would fail me. My eyes stung, though I don't know why. I don't know why I feel like this. Im supposed to be filled with glory. Some form of greatness but I didn't feel it.

But I do feel the bed dip beside me.

"Do you want to talk?" Piper asked. Her arm wrapping around my shoulders, pulling me towards her warmth.

"I..." my voice breaks. "I don't know what's wrong."

"That's ok," Piper reassures. "It's ok to not know what's not ok."

"But when you know tell me. I'm always here."

My heart swells, I may have only known Piper for a year, but I feel like I've known her a thousand. My first day at wilderness school, she introduced her self. Ever since then Ive been hooked to her. Where she goes I go. And I won't look back.

"You too, you know. I'm here too." I say lifting my self to look at her face. She smiles sadly.

"This isn't about me right now." She whispered.

It should be. I don't want anything to be about me. I don't want to be an important demigod. I don't want to be a daughter of the big three. I want to be no one. I want to be in the back ground. I don't want to be apart of the stupid prophecy. I don't want it to ever be about me.

"I don't feel..." my voice leaves me. I feel my eyes sting, my eyes welling up. My vision of pipers face becomes obscured, her features blurring together.

"I don't feel good." I finish. Tears slipping.

"Oh y/n..." Piper pulls me in for a hug. Her hand brushing through my hair.

"I don't want to be important. I don't feel important." I say gritting my teeth.

"I don't want-" I'm interrupted by a sob. My own sob. I shouldn't be this sad. Many demigods would rather be me.

"I'm sorry-" I say pulling away. "I'm sorry Piper that's messed up."

"Y/n it's ok." Piper grips my shoulders. "Don't be sorry."

"You've been hooked into a bigger deal then what you signed up for. And it is messed up. Every part of it. Every part of this mythic world is messed up. And if you don't want to be great that's ok, but sometimes the fates have other plans." Piper says, eyes staring into mine, they are blue. She closes her eyes, drawing in a slow breath.

She opens her eyes, now brown.

"I wish I could help you drift through this world aimlessly, I wish I could help you with how you feel. And to do that you have to tell me." She smiles lightly. "Ok?"

"Everything's so confusing!" I cry, "Chiron says in destined to do great things but I don't feel like it!"

I pause to breathe, bringing my palms to my eyes.

"I'm one of a kind Piper, not in a special affirmations way either. I'm THE daughter of Poseidon. That's a big deal and it stupid and sucks and— I don't know what people want from me!" I sob into my hands.

Anger boils in my throat.

"I just don't know." I grit.

Piper doesn't say anything, she wasn't well spoken like Jason may be. But she pulls me toward her wrapping her arms around me.

I cry into her shirt. Hands gripping her arms lightly. She was mumbling sweet nothings into my hair, luring me into a calmer state. I felt my eyes drooping as a wave of exhaust hit me. Everything seemed so insignificant as I fell asleep. Everything I said is to be a topic for another day.

And everything felt so ok while I fell asleep in Piper McLean arms.






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