Always been you. )( Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader

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Age- 10

The new boy looked sad. His sister had left in a quest leaving him behind. Leaving him here. She was a hero and he didn't understand how this world worked yet.

I could relate, I didn't know where my sister Annabeth was.

I decided to introduce my self— he looked like he needs some friends.

"Hi!" I startle the boy. "I'm y/n, son of Athena!"

My hands extended, an offer of a gtreeting.

"I'm Nico." He mumbled, taking my hand.

He vanished two days later. His sister had died.

Age- 12

I saw a glimpse of a boy. A boy I knew to well, but not well enough. I tugged at my father's sleeve causing us to stop.

"I know that boy." I point in his direction.

My father hummed, squinting at the boy.

"A demigod?" He asked.

"Nico, Nico Di Angelo." I sigh. We didn't interact to much but I found my self caring of him.

I wanted to go see him, he hasn't been at camp for two years. Before I can slink away from my father's gaze Nico vanished.

Age 14-

"Is that... Nico... and Hades?" I tug at Connor's sleeve. Pointing at the chariot now entering the battle.

"Oh thank the gods, more gods!" Connor sighs. Ignoring my question.

I need to talk to Nico when this is over. He looks so much different than four years ago. Growth and tragedy does that to a child. He's a child, like me.

Nico vanished again when Gaia started warring.

Age 15-

"Nico!" I yell making my way through the crowded amphitheatre. Until I inevitably bumped into the son of hades.

I stared at the boy, a couple inches taller than me. His dark hair grown to his shoulders. His skin paler than it was five long years ago, the freckles on his nose exaggerated. His obsidian eyes stare into mine.

"Nico." I say grabbing his hands with my own. "Do you remember me?"

He stares at me a second more, his head nodding hesitantly.

"Y/n. Son of Athena.." he pulls his hands away, face reddening slightly. 

"I thought I'd know what to say to you by now." I start.

"But I wanted to tell you that you've been missed around here." I say, my gray eyes staring intensely.

He doesn't say anything but smile. A small barely there genuine smile. The son of hades smiled.

"I'll.. I'll be staying around more now." Nico swallows looking anywheres but my eyes.

I smile at that.

"Ah, Nico here you are." Reyna settles next to him.

"Your Y/n right? Annabeths younger brother?"
She asks.

"Mhm!" I confirm.

The only place Nico vanished to was the hades cabin.

Age 15-

"Y/n wake up." I feel Nico shake me. Last night he had snuck me into his cabin.

I rolled over to look at the hades spawn. I close my eyes again mumbling incoherent swears.

"It's so earlyyy." I groan. Nico brushes the hair out of my face, his colder hands a contrast to my warmth. His hand sat there, a comforting gesture.

"Honey, you have to wake up. You're teaching sword classes to the younger ones." Nico pulls me up by my shoulders, bringing me to a sitting position.

I groan again, not wanting to accept that I have to wake up. I lean forward, face landing onto his shoulder.

"Ughhhh why." I mumble into his shirt.

"You promised Chiron and Mr. D." Nico reminded. He grabbed my head in his hands lifting me off his shoulder.

"You'll live." He smiles staring at my tired state.

I can't help admire him in the morning light. Nicos wavy hair reaches his shoulders. Over the last while his skin had flourished to his healthy colour, his freckles darkening along with it. His obsidian eyes the same as always. I had grown to be the same height as Nico now.

Being at camp surrounded by people who cared and try to help truly did help Nico. And I was happy to be apart of his healing journey, and I hope to continue to be.

People change and the people they care about change. But for me, it's always been Nico.


Personally I'm not really a Nico gal (he's also like gay so 🤷‍♀️)


(I want Piper McLean rn)

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