"What the fuck?" )( Will Solace x F!Reader

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This is a throw away while I work on requests.

"Alright guys, I think I can trust yall to dvide into even groups for dodge ball?" Mr, James yells over the chatter. We had just finished warm up, a simple race between students. Will made first, and I didn't make it into the ranks. Not because I can't, be because I don't want to. I'm simply too lazy.

Since we walked into gym class we had been on edge. Mr. James is a substitute, not his first time teaching us but he always gave off monster vibes. He hasn't attacked yet though. Yet. Everytime I looked at him he looked less human.

"Y/n," Will walks to me. "He's not only eying us, but he's eying Josh." He whispers.

I look to Mr, James. A moment of eye contact in between us before he shifts his gaze to Josh.

"I don't think we're his targets." I nod. "He knows we're long time campers doesn't he?"

Will doesn't reply, he just swallows thickly, nodding along.

"We'll be quick and careful if it comes to it." I sigh, rubbing my eyes tiredly. With exam season and being powerful demigods we didn't get much rest, like, ever.

"Goody." Will says tiredly.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

"Josh, back up." I warn, my voice ringing over the silence of the gym. Every student stare at the disfigured version of Mr. James. I didn't know what he looked like to them, but he still scared them. Josh was frozen, Mr. James held a strong grip on his arm. And I could tell Josh was seeing a  cyclops.

"Josh." Wills voice breaks the silence again. "Pull away."

I back up slowly. My water bottle is just in my back pack. 

Will looks to me, holding eye contact as I move. Nodding slowly, a never spoken conversation flows in between us.

Josh try's to pull, but the iron grip holds him. What ever the mortals see seems to process they all start running to the door. Pushing Will and I around.

In the chaos I hear a roar and a yell. A thud echos through the loud gym, Josh tumbles to a stop.

I reach my bag, practically ripping it open. I grab the bottle and dump the water out, tendrils shoot towards the cyclops, confining him.

I quickly run to the doors, shooing people out. I see Will run to his bag, grabbing his demigod kit.

I pull one of the doors open. Hoping to keep a steady stream of students.

Why did there have to be so many students in one class?

I can't keep my focus on binding the cyclops much longer, I can feel the water cage around him loosen.

"Holy shit, would y'all hurry the fuck up and get out till everything's figured out!" I yell, ushering people out of the gym. The cyclops almost out of his restraints.

"I got Josh!" I hear Will yell form somewheres.

I let go of the door handle, flicking my wrist to summon my knife. I throw it at the cyclops, controlling the knife with water inside the handle. The cyclops roars with the first pierce, golden blood decorates the gym floor. Pulling out my pen to summon my sword I run and jump, landing on the giants back.

He thrashes, arms lifting to try and strike me. I plant my feet firmly against his back, bring my sword around his front against his neck. The sharp blade digs into my non-dominant hand. Putting all my weight onto my legs as I lean back, decapitating  the cyclops. I fall as he crumples into dust, landing on my butt.

I let out a sigh, laying down in the mess of the gym. Silence graces my ears, that is until Josh speaks up.

"What the fuck?" He yells, still in shock. "How did you just do that?"

"Do what?" I stand up. Stumbling towards Will. Who of course is already waiting for me, Kit Kat in one hand and water in the other.

I take in Josh's  appearance he look disgruntled, not to serious injuries, just a DIY splint on a sprained wrist.

Will grabs my cut hand immediately, pouring water t his bottle onto it. It looked like it would leave a light scar, nothing special

"The whole jumping, like, six feet in the air? And since when did you have that type of strength?" Josh's questions are endless. "I mean, I've never even seen you lift a twig, and we've been attending the same schools for so long!?"

"I'll explain later." I sigh. Feeling only slightly light headed.

"Eat this Y/n." Will passes me the Kit Kat. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me into his warmth as he kisses my temple.

I shake my head no. "I'll puke, later." I mutter to Will. The after effects of my power nauseating me.

Will urged me to drink water at least as he goes back to check on Josh.

The boy was pretty ok, a sprained wrist by the seems of it. Majorly disoriented, not everyday do you see your child hood friend fight a cyclops.

IK it's short and whack af, don't come at me 😔

Anyways here's a (love) life rant 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 (aka me being an over sharer)



Our dads had been friend for a long time, and then my dad met my mum and they introduced his dad to his mum (my mums bsf).

He's real sweet, an awesome person. He's also a Pjo fan, he actually introduced it to me last year. (Yes I read 17 Pjo books in a year guys 😔)

He's got Wills personality but I think like Nicos looks. Real Emo grungy style. Which is totally my fault, I've been his fashionista since like two years ago.

Erm idk who my personalities like tbh, I've been told like Percy, piper, Leo or Nico. 😭

Idk who I look like either, I've got like light brown and natural highlights and green eyes. OH YALL I GOT THAT CENTRAL HETEROCHROMIA STUFF.

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