Nightmare)( Nico Di Angelo x M!Reader

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(Son of Apollo reader!)

"Please don't put angst Hannah."

"Ok deal!"

- two days ago, before I figured out the plot for this one shot.

I watch as the bridge collapses from my post. I watch as the columns fall, one by one. I watch the last one fall, the one holding my brother. Then and there I knew I was never going to see Micheal Yew, son of Apollo, our greatest archer again.

"Micheal!" I shoot up, breath coming in and out quickly. I can feel I was sweating but I'm unimaginably cold. My body shakes along with my breaths. I try to fight my tears, the stinging almost too much. My throat hurts.

Unfortunately I'm loosing this battle horribly, I palm my tears quickly not wanting this to last long.

Shuffling from the other side of the room startles me. I freeze, remembering the make shift bed that holds the song of Hades.  Even frozen I can't stop my ragged breathing and pouring eyes.

Nico turned to me. my hands furiously wipe my face, hoping to wipe the sadness with it.

"Y/n...?" Nico sits up. I watch as his gaze lingers on my sunken figure, the wet sheen of tears sining in the moonlight. "Why are you crying?"

He stood quickly, coming to me. He sat on the bed opposite to me.

"It's fine." I grunt, knowing my voice was weak.

"I can tell it's not fine." He persists. I don't understand why he cares so much.

"Leave me alone." I can't stop the words tumbling from my mouth. I didn't mean to snap at him, all he wanted was to help.

We sat like that for a moment, silence only ever interrupted by my pathetic sniffles.

"I'm sorry.." I mumble. "I- I didn't mean to get mad."

The stinging in my eyes increased again, hot tears rolling down my down my cheeks. Before I can wipe them off another's hand is doing it for me, a paler and colder hand. His thumbs swipe across my check bones, pushing away the piling tears.

"Do you..." Nico trialed off, trying to plan what he wanted to say. "Do you want a hug?"

I halt. He never likes to get physical with anyone. Again he is currently cradling my face in his hands.

"Are you sure?" I ask, my eyes flicking away from him. I didn't want to make him uncomfortable because he felt obligated to comfort me.

Instead of a verbal answer he pulled me toward him, one hand pushed my head towards his shoulder while the other went to rub my back with soothing circles.

"It's ok." He mumbles into my hair.

Again all the emotions attacked me, I felt my tears soaking into his shirt. If I wasn't sobbing my eyes out I'd be dying of embarrassment. We stayed like this.

Nico was playing with my hair while mumbling sweet nothings, the affection slowly calming me down. My eyes flowed less, my everything in me felt heavy with exhaust.

In my half asleep state I feel Nico rotate us, he now able to lay back with his head on the pillows. His arm took me with him, we lay intertwined. His comforting arms around me, soothing me to sleep, my face in the crevice between his neck and shoulder.

He continued his comfort, even as I felt sleep tugging at me, even as my breaths slowed and deepen, even as I shuffle closer to him.

I had divisionals yesterday... me and my friend got COOKED 😭

6th place out of 8 teams 😔😔💔


but its ok our friends got fourth.

(We play mixed doubles)

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