"Maybe a little." )( Percy Jackson x F!Reader

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Request by: aphroditesdaughter18 ! I hope you enjoy!

PERCY: February, 8th, 2024

I stare at Y/n dumb founded. "You want to fake date?"

Why in the gods names would she do that?

"I know, I'm sorry, it's weird!" She groans burring her face in her hands.

Again lifting her head she looks frantic.

"It's just like Valentine's Day is coming up and some of my siblings are absolutely insufferable." Y/n talks with her hands, it's like watching a blind person trying to sign.

"And where do I come in?" I quiz, staring at the Aphrodite girl.

"Well for some reason a few of my siblings think I should get with some Ares boy. And frankly I do NOT like him, not even platonically. Like he's just an ass and I genuinely can't think of why they think I'd like him!" She scoffs, completely shocked but the idea.

Somewheres, deep down, I felt a twinge of jealousy. Why do they think someone else is a better fit than me?

"And you know, you're my best friend. I'd trust you with my life, and I have, and I just thought you'd be the best person for this. And legit you're the only person I thought to ask honestly."

My tinge of jealousy leaves as soon as she says I was her first choice. I find my self a little too excited about it.

"Ok so like," I draw in a breath. "How do we even pretend to be a couple?"

She sits thinking a moment. She looks pretty with her hair up, she recently had Piper cut her some curtain bangs-or wheat ever they're called. They suit her well, framing her face nicely. She was clad in a simple black hoodie, the yellow batman logo in the middle, and some loose fitting blue jeans. Her black converse discarded at the door.

"I didn't think that far." She admits, shrugging.

"How do you come demanding your plan and not think that far!?" I whisper yell, not actually wanting to yell at the girl. Nor do I want to get hit by said girl.

"I don't know!" She defends, hands flinging to the air.

"Ok, fair." I sigh.

"You're so simple." Y/n snorts.

Mock offense on my face and a hand grasping my collar, I gasp. "How dare you!"

"Oh get over it." She rolls her eyes, though a smile graces her face.

"Ok back to the topic at hand," She sits straighter. Bringing her knees to her chest, her arms a wrap around her shins. "Couples just like, hold hands and stuff right? And sit closer together and little things like that."

"Okur." I say. Earning me a smile.

"Um," I certainly feel my face redden. "Like kissing- what do people do that in public."

Y/n doesn't say anything, but by her face I can tell she didn't miss my nervousness.

"We'll keep it minimal, just a peck to the cheek. We don't have to be snogging in public to be considered a couple." She explains, as if she thought about this part before hand.

I felt the tension in my shoulders ease, releasing a slight breath.

"Ok. We got this." I smile.

"Thanks Perc." Her voice reminded me of honey. It was warm and soft, she was well spoken. The nickname always made my stomach twirl.

Right then and there I knew this would be internal hell for me. 


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