"Luke?" )( Luke Castellan x Reader Pt. 2

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"Y/n." I jolt awake at my name. That fucking cyclops mocking Luke's voice.

I realize im not dead, but in a enclosed space. I was lain on a bed, in the clothes I last wore but my weapons stripped of me.

Clarrise is going to kill me.

"Y/n." I jump remembering why I had woken, if there wasn't a cyclops why did I hear my name? I look around the enclosed space more, it was dark. I'm assuming what were windows, were covered in thick fabric, blocking out the light. I looked around more waiting for my eyes to adjust properly.

"Luke?" I whisper, noticing the figure to the side, my eyes fully adjusted to the dark room. A bed just a few feet away from me holds Luke. He looked disheveled, even in sleep he looked tired.

"What... Where are we!?" I yell, startling the boy awake. He shot up and instantly jumped at me, covering my mouth.  The blanket covering his body falling to the floor, he was clad in his singed camp shirt and torn up jeans.

"It is great to see you but shut up." He hissed, removing his hand from my mouth.

"Ugh! I am so mad at you!" I whisper yell pushing his chest hard. Seemingly forgetting the dire situation I'm in, only glad to see my Luke.

"Ok that's perfectly valid," He breaths in. "And I know I left things... weird."

He says that as if he didn't try to convince me to come to the dark side.

"You tried to convince me to join Kronos!" I say exasperated.

"Ok maybe more than weird." He groaned. "You trust me right?"

His hands clasp mine. His eyes bore into mine, this time they shone with the stars. His eyes told me more, telling me enough.

"Always." I say with out hesitation. I was a daughter of Athena, but tended to lead with heart. Something my mother only saw as disgraceful and weak.

"Ask me anything. I'll tell you everything. I promise, I swear it on the Styx."

My heart dropped slightly, he was willing to make an oath in the Styx, he was willing to risk everything. For me.

Luke studied my face, looking for a blip in emotion. Looking for the truth I didn't say.

"Please, Luke." I look away. "What happened?"

His gaze hardens. Not in the way it did moons ago, it was a hurt look. A look of remorse, a look of fear. He looked lost, almost like he didn't understand what happened.

Because he didn't.

"Eidolons." I breath. Then and there it dawned on me.

I watched as he flinched slightly. He clenched his jaw, then I knew I was right. I think of his glazed eyes, when they had stopped shining. I had chalked it up to his recent visit to his mother, I didn't want to pry. I should have, I should have pried, I should have bothered him, I should have done something.

"Ask me more." His eyes plead.

I scan over him. His chocolate curls a terrible mess, I resisted the sure to brush it out of his face for him. His skin was paler than it used to be. I wanted nothing more than to curl up in comfortable blankets and hold him. Soothe him and comfort him. I wanted nothing but him.

But one question fogged my mind.

"Where are we?" My voice barely a whisper. I feared the answer.

"On a train," He replied instantly. "I don't know wheres though."

"That's ok. It's ok. Camps got us, Clarrise, Silena, and Charlie got us." I comfort.

Luke's lips curled into a faint smile.

"Gods I missed you guys." He laughs. He laughed.

"We missed you too." I sigh, soaking in his face.


Anyways I have a onshot I need to work on and it's like y/n wears glasses and they're fighting and somebody (the person for the one shot) yells at them to do something and then y/n "my glasses just broke you oaf I can't fucking see!" And then like chaos and stuff but idk who to do it about ngl 😭

I got my high school classes for next year and IM COOKED

Wdym I'm in the highest leveled classes dude I get straight up twos 😔

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