Percy and Y/n are really dumb! )(Percy Jackson x F!Reader

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I stare at Percy as he fidgets with riptide, we finally were able to have some low time on the Argo. He sat against his head board and I against the wall, my legs lay across his own. We rarely got one on one time in the ship. It wasn't a bad thing really, I loved everyone here. But when you loose your best friend for nine months after saving the world, you might miss him. I can't even say I might've missed him, I didn't go a single day where my thoughts didn't wander to the blond. It's safe to say I was more than over the moon to find out the case was the same for him, to an even more extreme extent, I was the only thing he woke up remembering. My first thought was to sob uncontrollably and than my second thought was tease him un-relentlessly. 

Unfortunately the first thing I did after things settled—Leo bombed New Rome—was cry at Percy. Not cry with him but cry at him. I cried angrily while being sad while being happy. I'd like to mention he cried to, and when Annabeth joined us she did to. Over all really mushy and gushy and lots of tears.

But things have chilled since then. Except me and Percy keep having awkward moment, lingering touches, sideways glances, he kept getting flustered and so on. Piper tried to chalk it up to us liking each other, but truthfully I couldn't see the great Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon, liking Y/n L/n, daughter of Hephaestus. The idea of course made my heart flutter, everything was prefect about Percy. He is strong, loyal, caring, gentle, smart, funny, and all these amazing things. I don't think I could match up to that—

"Y/n?" Percy snaps me out of my thoughts. Smiling tauntingly at me. "You're staring."

"What?" I say. "No I'm not.

"You totally were." He teased.

"I totally weren't." I argued back.

"That's not the right word." Percy laughs.

"Ugh! You're rubbing off on me, take it back please." I groan. Trying to ignore the fact my face was heating up.

"Mmmm. No." He shrugs.

"You're annoying." I mutter.

"What was that Cinderella?" He asks, his words full of sarcasm. My stomach flutters slightly at the nickname, he had called me that back when we're twelve. He used it as an insult, in his defence, I had told him to eat my cinders.

"I said," Sitting up to get closer to him. "You're annoying!" I state loudly, watching as an amused grin spread on his face.

No, why was he grinning.

"You know," His smile lessens a little, not in a bad way. "You're really pretty this close."

"Excuse me?" I blurt, if my face wasn't red before it definitely is now.

"I said," He exaggerated. "You're really pretty up close."

"No, no I heard you... I- I just...ugh!" I groan, brining a hand to cover the bottom half of my face. I'm truly horrified at how much blush my face is producing right now.

"Don't do that." Percy breaths, removing my hand. Instead of letting it go, he keeps it. His hands interlock with mine. I realize he's close enough I can smell the familiar sea salt sent I know too well. He brings his legs up, turning toward me. His other hand moving my legs to the side. He now sits cross legged in front of me, his back to the rest of the room.

"Ok Y/n." Percy says firmly.

"Percy?" I whisper.

"Annabeth helped me... smarten up." He continues.

"She made some really good points, she made me realize," He breathes in. "I really like you. Like a lot. And I'm sorry- this is really random and all. But we don't get a lot of alone time and I just thought-"

"You... like me?" I ask, dumbfounded truly. My mouth slightly agape.

"Yes." He groans. "Gods above yes. And I should've have realized sooner- I mean Hera wasn't even able to erase you from my memory."

I stare at the blond as he rambles. Squinting slightly, trying to figure out how this godly boy in front of me likes me.

"Y/n." Percy says. I stare into his blue eyes a moment. I could never get tired of them really. "Please answer me."

"I- how... me?" I sputter, not to my senses yet. "Percy, oh my- Percy."

"Perseus!" I say bluntly. "Do you know how many hints I've been trying to drop? For so long I was convinced you where ignoring them-"

"Wait, wait. Pause." Percy interrupts. "You've been dropping hints!?"

"Duh! Oh my goodness duh! You are so dense!" I retaliate.

"I'm dense? You're dense!" Percy argues back. "Ok no- back to our first topic. You like me?"

Percy's smile is taunting, egging me on.

Groaning, I go to bury my face in my hands. Only to remember our hands are in fact intertwined.

"Awww you like me." Percy teases.

My head shoots up. "You confessed first, you dingbat!"

"Nothing you say will help you. You like me." He shrugs playfully.

This is going to be annoyingly amazing.

"Shut up." I mutter. Looking away from him, hoping to avoid him seeing the tinge of red on my face. Scratch that, he's seen my blush. This is to hold onto any last shred of dignity I have left.

"Don't look away Y/n." He says in that unbelievably amazing hushed tone. To match his words he brings a hand to my face, cupping it to make me turn to him.

I do nothing but try to stutter up a response.

"You're cute when you're confused." Percy laughs at my disdain. A heavenly laugh I must say.

"Hey! What-" I gasp. "Wait, don't laugh at me you ass hat!"

The unruly nickname causes him to laugh more. In retaliation I shove his chest with my free hand. An attempt to get him off the bed, the only flaw being he refused to let go of me.

We tumble on tho the floor, an absolute mess of limbs.

"Perseus!" I yelp, now splayed across the floor. Percy's hand still stuck to mine, he lay opposite of me, he too lay like a sea star. Down to his roots.

"Y/n." He sighs my name. My stomach fluttering again. My grip on his tightens.

"Aw you flustered?" He teases, not moving.

"Shut it!" I hiss. My face slowly sinking into a smile.

"Anything for you princess."

I wrote my PAT today... I am COOKED. 😀

But writing guys... not my strong suit. (I am and will always be a science girly.)

This story was pretty half assed ngl 😭

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