"Your beautiful." )( Leo Valdez x M!Reader

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(The gray streak is permanent btw)

And like maybe making out? IDK GUYS 😭

Just like some kissing and like roaming hands and like IDFK UGH

Two years ago I held the sky. Two years ago my hair greyed along with Percy's and Annabeth. Unlike them though I've been dying mine to hide it. I didn't like the memories it brought up, or questions. And frankly I didn't like the way it made me look. I didn't want to admit what I've been through changes how I look, how it alters how others perceive me.

Staring in the mirror I realize I can't shrug it off as an odd chunk anymore, the gray showing through the dye. No one has seen me with the grey in a while, I've been dying it since the first chance I got. Re-dying every few weeks, I can no longer do that while on the Argo. The dye I had brought wasn't enough and I couldn't just go buy more.

I stare at my grey hair, this was the shower that stripped it of all dye. It would be impossible to hide now, although it probably wasn't hidden before.

I have to deal with it. It'll be fine... oh gods. Leo, Jason and Piper haven't seen it. Oh gods Leo hasn't seen it. Gods above Frank and Hazel haven't either. The only people who won't be surprised are Percy and Annabeth.

I will my hair to dry, seeping it of water. The familiar tug in my stomach welcomes me. Sending the water into the sink with a flick of my hand, I stare in the mirror. My now dry hair hangs slightly in my face, in length it was just about h/l.

"Hello?" Someone knocks, I immediately recognize Leo's voice. He's always so polite, even thought it is a multiple people bathroom he always knocks. Holy shit why is he so amazing.

I was prepared for him to see the grey but not right now prepared.

"Come in!" I yelp. Turning on the tap I scrubbed my face violently, listening to the click of the door opening.


"Good morning y/n." Leo say groggily, grabbing me from behind.

Leo kisses from my shoulder to along my jaw line. I sigh and melt into his embrace. My earlier worry melting slightly. Certainly still there though. My greying hair more noticeable than ever.

He lifts his head, staring at me through the mirror. My breath hitched as I watch his eyes flick to my hair. My eyebrows slightly pinch in worry.

He stares at it only moment before turning me around and pushing me against the sinks ledge. Hands on either side of me against the counter, trapping me in my spot. He continues his earlier path, kissing along my collar bone.

"Leo..." I breathe. This was NOT the best place for him to be making out with me. My hands make their way into his curls.

"What?" He kisses into my skin, nipping lightly.

My breath hitches again, for a very different reason.

"I-" cut off by a light groan as he kisses my neck again.

He lifts his head, effectively shutting up anything I was going to say by kissing me. He brings one of his hands to my waste, pulling me impossibly closer than before.

He pulls away slightly, "Stop worrying."

His warm breath fans over my face. His deep brown eyes lock with mine.

I do nothing but blank for a moment, I couldn't help but get flustered whenever Leo did anything with me. I really get flustered when he kisses me.

Gathering my thoughts I remember my hair.

"But-" I try to start, but again I'm cut off by his lips. This time he kisses me deeper, I tug his curls slightly out of habit. In response his hand in my hips tightens.

Leo tilts his head deepening the kiss somehow. I groan against his lips, I feel Leo's smug smile against me.

My boyfriend pulled away again, leaving me a panting mess in his grasp. I couldn't see it but I could only assume my face was red with blush.

He smiled fondly at me.

"You're beautiful." He soothes. As I'm about to protest—because frankly looking like a grandpa at sixteen wasn't the hype— he covers my mouth his hand.

"No protests!" He says sternly. He tried to seem serious but his eyes always shone playfully.

Out of instinct (Years of being Chirons and Mr. Ds problem child.) I lick the palm of his hand.

"What the fuck!" He yelps, pulling his hand way from me.

"Dude yuck!" He wipes his palm on my shirt.

"You say that like you didn't just make out with me!" I whisper yell, not wanting to alert anyone who might not want to hear me yell that. So basically everyone on this ship.

"Ok touché." He smiles.

"But seriously you're beautiful Y/n." I can't help but smile brightly at the boy.

"Thanks..." I mutter, turning my face way to try and hide my flustered state.

I hate writing making out bro, like omf

Anyways this story was all over the place 🫶🏻


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