Glasses suck. )( Will Solace x F!Reader

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Country daughter of ares who's angry that her glasses broke while on her period, And flirty Will? YES PLEASE. (My friend's special request!) (if crappy I wrote it in like 30 mins)

"Will!" I yell barging into the infirmary. Seeing the son of Apollo jump in his chair.

"My fucking glasses are broke, AGAIN." I hiss. "This is the third time in the last week!"

"We'll certainly gripping them like that won't help." He points at my hand.

"And where are your manner's sunshine?" He smiles, standing with his hand out to take the glasses.

My stomach twirls at the nickname. I hand him the glasses. He turns around to store them in a safe spot.

I take a breath in, "Can you please get me new glasses?"

"You know the drill Y/n, new pair tomorrow." Will turns to me, closer than expected.

"This is so stupid! I mean why can't they just, like, cure my eyesight with godly magic? If they can supply magic glasses why not magic cures?" I rant angrily. I distantly notice my accent becoming more and more noticeable.

Today has not been my day, first off we are literally planning a war attack, I got my period and my glasses broke. Again. Being a demigod and having glasses should be illegal. And normally I'd love war planning, but again my glasses are broke.

"I mean like, if I get stabbed I literally have the ability to eat a piece of white brownie and suddenly I'm not stabbed. Yippe! But they can't get rid of my shitty far sightedness!?" I stomp looking up at Will, only to find him smiling lightly.

"What. Why are you smiling?" I ask accusingly.

"Nothing, nothing," he smiles bigger.

"Ugh, you are so annoying sometimes Will!" I groan, backing away.

"Mhm, sure I am honey." He stares down at me with that stupid smile that I really like.

Honeys a new nickname.

"Quite smiling at me like that you oaf!" I grit. What is his deal today?

"I can't help it," he shrugs. "You're cute when you're mad."

Not a single thought can form.

"Huh." I say dumbly. No way Will Solace just called me cute. I feel my face redden.

Will laughs.

"Hey- no don't laugh!" I push his shoulder. "My reaction was very valid!"

"Yes, that's called going into shock." Will laughs more.

"Will!" I grab his forearm. "What do you mean I'm cute?"

Will smiled remains, his cheeks slightly rosey. He doesn't remove my hand from his forearm.

"Ok, Y/n." He starts. "I really like you, and I thought calling you cute would give it away- but apparently you didn't take the hint!"

I one again stare at him blankly, if it were possible I think my face got redder.

I pull away for a second, Wills face flickers to an emotion of worry.

"You like me?" I echo.

"Yes!" He groans. "Oh my gods, yes sunshine I do."

I stare at him squinting slightly. I couldn't quite grasp how the amazing doctor, son of Apollo, Will Solace, liked me. I'm eighty percent sure I'm the reason he's such a busy doctor.

"If you don't feel the same way that's ok..." he whispers, he looks at me with an apologetic look in his eyes.

"No shut up," I mutter. Starting at him still.

"Excuse me?" He looked confused.

"I've known that I liked you but I didn't expect you to like me!" I say face definitely reddening even more. Gods above, I'm total red mess and Will confessed to me and I confessed and—

"Y/n, do you need to— I don't know, um sit down or something?" He looks concerned, this time he's the one to grab me. Oh Aphrodite this is a mess.

"No ok," I sigh. "Will you go on a date with me?"

I cringe, finally realizing how strong my accent sounds.

"I sometimes forget your southern..." Will gets distracted. His way to strong un-medicated ADHD is going to be the death of me.

"Will! For the love of Aphrodite I asked you if you'd go on a date!" I whisper yell.

"Yes! I will. But, like-" he laughs. "Aren't we preparing for a war in like a week?"

"We'll figure it out?" I laugh with him.

He hums in agreement, leaning slightly to kiss my forehead.

"Blondie!" I groan pushing my hand into his face, earning more laughter from his side.

Please Aphrodite let this be ok, and let me not be so awkward. I silently pray to my love crazed stepmother.

Ok so I hated that. 😭

I've hit a crises, I'm trying to learn more words in my native language cause like I wanna be able to be like "I may look white but BOOM I'm Inuk bro." But like I can't remember words 😔

Nor can I spell the words ngl


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