Temper and glasses. )( Leo Valdez x Reader

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I was unpacking my bags in mine and Leo's new room, his side already had his things laying about while mine looked void of life. He said he had spent plenty of nights in here already. I've already emptied my clothes into the dresser provided, now I was doing bedding and such. I had stole all the bedding off my bed from cabin three.

"Knock knock!" Leo yelled, startling me. He came and sat on the floor near my bag.

"Hey Leo." I mutter, trying to put the damned fitted sheet on the bed. I swore under my breath each time a corner came off. Leo just sat in silence which was odd most times, but that's usually what he does when me and him chill. He said I had a calm sense which completely contradicts how Chiron describes me.

"Fuck!" I groan, I was so close to getting the stupid sheet on and then one of the corners came off again.

"Here, let me." Leo pops up beside me, his hand finds its way to the small of my back.

"Go get your personal things out, I'll handle the bed. Kay?" He mumbles in my cheek, leaving a quick kiss. Normally people weren't to patient with the me when I acted 'with a temper' but Leo was perfect.

"Ok." I sigh, letting go of the sheet. I leave him to figure out my bedding, I turn to my bag containing my art supplies, books and other little valuables. I'd be spending a lot of time in the boat I may as well bring things I enjoy.

I walk to the mini shelf Leo built me, bag in hand. I reach in, filling the shelf with the various books I bought specifically for this quest. The thrift store was my best friend last week.

I step back to admire my work, I had collected ten books, if I by chance run out I'm sure we have the chance to go to the thrift. After all we're demigods, our clothes get ruined often.

"Looks lovely Y/n." Leo compliments. I mumble a thank you flushing slightly. I truly never get used to being complimented by him.

I turn to look at my bed, it was completely made. Everything was on it, my sheets, my blankets, my pillows and even the dorky stuffed animals I brought.

"Leo you did awesome!" I twirl around and fall onto the bed, spreading my arms out, my hand came into contact with a hard box. I picked it up, lifting my warms in the air to examine. I squint slightly and realize it's the case to my glasses.

"I saw them when I was looking for you when we were leaving." Leo says, he stood arms crossed while he stared at me.

"I forgot them?" I puzzled, I could have swore I packed them. He hummed a yes.

"You should wear them more you know. I'm pretty sure Jason and Piper haven't seen them before, and us three been at camp for six months." Leo grabbed the case from my hand while he sat next to me. Opening the case he pulled out the delicate glasses, the frame were simple black and gold wired ones, the shape was circuler. I've gone through many pairs of glasses and that's why I avoid wearing them often, though I need them.

I sat up turning to Leo. I stare admiring his features as her opens the arms of my glasses. Looking up from his task he brings one of his hands to tuck my h/c out of the way, bringing the glasses to my face he gently slipped them on.

"You look so pretty with them." He whispered. I flush looking away from his brown eyes.

"Plus people will stop thinking you're judging them when you squint." He laughs, bringing my hand in his.

"But I am judging them." I mumble. He laughs at my absurdity.

"You're something else, aren't you?" He kissed the top of my head lightly.

"What does that mean?" I scowl pushing my hand against his chest.

"It means you're perfect." Leo feathers kisses all around my face.

"You're a dork." I laugh, pecking him on the lips lightly.



Sorry the Leo Valdez brain rot is to strong 😔💔

But I'm working on a Kayla one bc my friend found my account and connected the dots 😀!

I hate wearing my glasses but legit everything is blurry once it reaches like thirty centimetres away

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