Placing bets )( Leo Valdez x M!Reader

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Like four days prior or something.


Piper and Shel sit across from me and Will. A group hang out ended in just the four of us meeting. Y/n and Leo too busy with camp.

Currently they were the main topic of the conversation.

"I'm just saying," Piper raises her hands. "Y/n one day is doing to realize he likes boys."

"Who says he doesn't already know?" Will asks.

"Or maybe he knows but like doesn't knows." Shel shrugs. "Like as in he's had a crush on boys before and he just shrugs it off and assumes it's a blip."

"Y/n would do just that honestly." Piper snorts. "I'm willing to bet Leo and Y/n get together by the end of the year."

"That's a long bet to run." I say, raising my eyebrows.

"The dudes have known each other since our first year at camp, they're both nearly twenty one now. I'm not banking on them getting together within this month." Piper points out.

"I'm placing money that they are together and just haven't told anybody." I offer my hand to Piper. A silent contract.

"If they get together in December, you owe me twenty bucks," She takes my hand. "If they have been together I owe you twenty bucks."

And there, we shake on it.

✧・: *✧・゚:*


Me and Leo finally got alone time. Being camp counsellors and teachers is amazing, until you're constantly berated by children. Which truthfully I didn't mind, but it catches up to you after a while. Instead of normal college, we are doing classes at camp. A former camper, now a professer, is offering courses for demigods. He has a range of courses offered by demigod/ legacy professors from Both camps.

A strong reason I so craved alone time with the son of Hephaestus, because he's simply my boyfriend. I wasn't out yet and we didn't see reason to tell people yet. It was new and oddly enough,I was afraid. Of course Piper and Shel and been together for a while now, as well as Will and Nico, various of campers are queer and open. After all we worship the goddess of love, and love held many forms. But it was also something I was figuring out about my self, Leo was the first boy I realized I liked.  As well as my first relationship, like, ever. So lots of confusing emotions I wasn't ready to share with the world, and Leo was ok with that.

Currently we lay on my bed, my cabin being empty almost all the time now that Percy was off to university. Leo lies with his head on the pillows, legs crossed at the ankles. He scrolls through his phone aimlessly. I'm practically curled around him, my head against his chest. His hand brushing through my hair over and over. A comforting motion.

He stay like that, comforting silence surrounds us. The sounds of loud Camp Half-Blood seem distant, almost both there. We lay in our own world. Every now and then Leo will chuckle at a video, or make me look at some meme I didn't understand. Even when he was lost in the foster care system he somehow managed to have a grasp on the outside world. I've been at Camp Half-Blood since I was six, it was a rarity to be able to go home safely. I lived all the way in Canada, and frankly I didn't feel like driving that far, nor did I feel like being smited out of the sky. I only went on planes if Jason or Thalia were there. So I lost the connection long ago.

After a while Leo breaks the silence. "Y/n?" Leo tugs at my hair lightly, lifting my gaze to his. His phone no longer on, laying to the side somewheres.

"Hm?" I hum. Lifting my self slightly, my arms caging Leo.

Leo's eyes don't leave mine. Much like tunnel vision, I can only see his warm brown eyes, the way he stares softly into my own e/c ones. His mouth stays slightly agape, breathing in slowly.

His eyes fall on my lips.

Warm hands meet my face, pulling me deeper into his embrace. His lips grace mine, slowly and passionately, he kisses me. I lay with half my body above him, my arms bent at the elbows on his sides. Leo pushes up, not breaking the kiss. I admit I made a light sound of surprise, I felt Leo's stupid smirk. If my face wasn't already red, it was now.

I pull away, catching my breath. "You prick."

I draw back further moving to sit on my knees, Leo following. His hands fell from my face, trailing down my neck, shoulders, down my arms and met my hands. His warm touch raised goosebumps wheres ever it went.

"You talk like an old man." He laughs, his hands leaving mine. One pushes against my chest, effectively lying me down. The other tangles in my hair again.

Leo leans down as his hand travels from my chest to my waist and slightly under the hem of my shirt. The warmth of his hands comforting me.

He hovers above my face, just staring at me, like a creep. And usually I'd be making fun of him, but I was in no position to do that.

Leo finally closes the gap in between our faces. Bringing me into another kiss, this one just as soft and gentle. Though it felt stronger than the last.

The loud slam of my door startles us, Leo jumps away.  Leo's warmth left me, the room hadn't felt this cold a moment ago. I missed his warm hands. Leo's face is red and I can feel mine is too.

Through my mini heart attack I hear something explode. I'm assuming some water pipe.

We sit frozen and panting, staring at the form of Nico Di Angelo. He stare at us, holding the door open with one hand and his sword in the other.

"You guys were just kissing." Nico says, a mocking edge to his voice. I could tell he wasn't asking, he was stating. And he was incredibly correct.

"Um," I sit up. "No?" My voice higher than normal.

Leo snickers and I instinctively shove his shoulder.

"You totally were." Nico laughs, "Piper owes me twenty bucks."

"You guys bet on us!?" Leo gasps, quite dramatically. My already red face deepens.

I clearly have not been as subtle as I assumed I was.

"Uh," Nicos eyes widened. "Nope! Have a lovely Tuesday!" He backed out of the cabin and slammed the door again. It's Friday.

Me and Leo sat in silence a moment, staring at the closed door in shock.


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