Deep Breaths. )( Kayla Knowels x M!Reader

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So... my friend knows this account is me. (Hi El 😁) and he requested Kayla, didn't give me any  prompt so I have free will. So here it is boo.

Everyone was woke up early today, gathered at the dining area at seven am. Today wasn't going to be a normal day, so we were all to sit at random. I sat with Connor, Sam, Malcom, y/n Rayne, Honey and Ethan. We were an odd group, we were two separate groups mushed together . Though I had known y/n, my boyfriend, for longer.

"Everyone listen here! I've got some medical related news." Chiron stomped his hooves, drawing everyone's attention. The crowed quieted, turning toward the centaur. Chiron had already informed the Apollo cabin of this announcement. As it was directly related to us.

"As you all know, the infamous Covid- 19 has been plaguing the mortal world. Even though you're all half godly, we must abide with the mortal medicines." He explains, eliciting groans from the crowd. Frankly I didn't want to deal with this either. As one of the five people giving these shots, I wasn't exactly on board either.

"Oh, shut ya' traps." Hedge, hollers from beside Chiron. "Yall are gonna get your shots, and yall gonna deal with it."

In the corner of my eye I see y/n tense slightly, a  brief barely there motion. His fists clenched before he stuffed them in his pockets. I shrug it off.

"Through out the day cabins will be getting their shots!" Hedge informed us. "The first cabin to go will be cabin four!"

At this announcement I see y/n visibly relax, exhaling slowly. I'd have to ask him about that eventually. Everyone fell into their own conversations, cabin four campers all got up and started heading to the infirmary.

I sat quietly, watching my table converse. Rayne and Connor smirking suspiciously, planning some prank. One year the Stolls went home for the winter and came back with a third, they had realized their younger sister wasn't as mortal has they thought.

"Kayla don't you have to go give shots?" Malcom asked. Bringing me from my thoughts.

"I'm not on shift right now." I shrugged. Turning to y/n I smiled lightly, looping my arm through his. He smiled back, I couldn't help but notice the look of worry on his face.

"Yuck go away love birds." Rayne teased.

Our table continued talking loudly, everyone focusing on each other. It was a nice scene really. Y/n seemed a little quieter than usual, he still contributed to the conversation. Cabin four kids slowly started filtering back into their tables. Y/n fidgeted slightly, only little motions. Things you could easily subject to ADHD but this wasn't normal for him.

"Oh hey Hannah." Honey greeted my sister. I turn to look at her, she looked tired already.

"Your turn to give shots." She said, shoulders slumped.

"Ok!" I said cheerfully. I didn't feel cheerful though, Hannah looked rough. I turn towards y/n
again, pecking his cheek.

"See you in there." I smile at him. He smiles back muttering a goodbye.

He's been acting strange all morning.

                                  .     .      .

I walk past the waiting area, some  of cabin five kids waiting for their shots. Scanning through room I quickly spot y/n.

He looked pale, afraid even. From this distance I can tell his breaths were ragged, while his eyes were moist. Face contorted in a look of anxiety, staring at the door leading to the shots. That is until he looks away, stricken with look of panic as his breath speeds up. He shook slightly.

Oh. Oh.

I quickly dash to him.

"Y/n." He jolts when I say his name, fearful eyes meet mine.

"Hey what do you need?"

"Out. I need- I don't know." He stutters.

"Do you want to go to a different room?" I ask, hands grasping his.

He nods, swallowing thickly. I lead him softly to my office. Opening the door quickly, I lead him into the room. Shutting the door behind me I turn to him.

Y/n breaths come quicker, more ragged and suffocating.

"Hey, hey, hey. Its ok. It's ok." I soothe grabbing his hands again.

I guide my palms up from his hands, his arms, his shoulders, his neck, and finally meet his cheeks. Positioning his face so he can make eye contact.

"Ok breathe with me." I instruct.

"Inhale through your nose."


"Exhale through your mouth."

He follows my every instruction.

"Again." I guide him through the process of calming down. My thumbs glide along his cheek bones, wiping away the piling tears. I had never seen this side of him, he was always reserved when it came to what bothered him. I'm worried his prideful habits is what deterred him from mentioning his fear.

His breathing clams down and he shakes less.

"How did you... how did you know what to do?" He speaks up.

"It's normal for people to panic in the infirmary. It's normal where ever." I soothe. I know he hasn't been able to accept this part of him for a while. Part of me worries he never will.

"Do you want a candy?" Reaching for the bowl of candy next to my door. "It's usually for younger campers, but I can make an exception."

I make sure I grab his favourite candy bar, c/b.

"Yes please." He says, his voice was lighter than usual. He was still calming down. The shakes were down significantly though, his breathing normal. His eyes still held a worried sheen. 

I unwrap the bar before handing it to him, it was only a Halloween mini but he seemed to enjoy it. I watched as his face smoothed slightly, and the sheen in his eyes less misty.

"Do you want me to be in the room with you?" I ask, thinking on how we can avoid another anxiety attack.


Anyways I'm writing this to distract my self cause I have my first PAT (provincial achievement test) tmrw and it's the ELA writing one and frankly I'm not good at writing so.... 😀




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