"I dont know how to dance." )( Jason Grace x M!Reader

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(Idk if slow dances at weddings are a thing.... I've never been to a wedding so I'm making shit up

- Who knows who's wedding it is tbh, Jason never died, no heart break on Jason side when he and pipes broke up, early twenties for age

It's like 7-ish years since the war with Gaia,  the war Y/n references is the whole Nero sitch!)

The people around me slow as the music fades into a calmer—slower—song. People meeting in duos to dance. That's when I realized it's a slow dance, like in the movies. I stand for a moment halted, I don't know how to dance. Never in my life had I thought to learn. I realized that not
knowing how to dance while in my twenties is considerably odd. Unbeknownst to these mortals I was busy saving their asses all my life.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, turning to meet electric eyes.

"Jason." I greet, smiling at him. His hair wasn't styled, he had let it grow out since the war, no longer buzzing it. Of course he trimmed it up every few months, I always thought longer hair suited him better. He dressed like old money, a white collared shirt, sleeves rolled up above his elbows, the first few buttons undone. His tie and dress jacket long gone. The shirt was un-tucked from his dress pants, lastly he wore sneakers. Of course he wore sneakers to a wedding. Even in his twenties he never dressed properly.

"Y/n." Jason greets back, smiling back.

We no longer had much of a height difference, now only an inch between us. I of course was the shorter one. I always have been with Jason hitting random growth spurts all the time. He was also big, in a buff way. Most people chalked it up to his genetics, they clearly haven't trained with him.

"What's up?" I ask, quite awkwardly. I had a slight idea on why the son of Jupiter would approach me during a slow song. And it made me absolutely giddy inside.

"Care to dance?" He offers a hand. I stare at him nervously for a moment.

"Uh," My voice higher than normal. "Sure."

I take his hand, letting him lead me into the dancing crowd. He moved smoothly through the crowd, like a swift breeze.

We make it to an empty spot, standing face to face. A mere five inches in between us.

"Now that we're over here," I say, Jason guides my hands to his shoulders. "I feel I should mention, I don't know how to dance."

I was suddenly nervous, blush crawling up my neck and meeting my cheeks. Jason laughed, laughed at me. His laugh was bright, while airy and soft. It was perfect, like Jason was.

"I'll guide you." He says softly. "Just follow what I do."

With that he begins moving, he goes slowly for my sake. He steps back and I follow, he's graceful, it's beautiful. I on the other hand, am tripping over my own feet, I've almost stepped on his. It certainly doesn't help that the only thing on my mind is his hand on my waist.

"Relax, watch my feet if it helps." Jason voice is smooth and quiet, he only wants me to hear.

"Um, no thanks." I mutter. Truthfully I don't know why that was my response. But I can't find my self to be able to say anything else, Jason's smiling at me, his eyes held an amused glint. I could almost melt under his gaze.

"You need to quit looking at me like that." I mumble, looking anywheres but his face. This moment was horrendously embarrassing for me. "And for the love of the gods, please stop talking to me like that."

"Like what?" He teases, still guiding me slowly. The tone of his voice still soft, a mocking edge graces me.

"Well y'know," I shrug. Blush warming my face.

"No Y/n, enlighten me." He presses.

"Jason." I grumble, glaring lightly at him.

"I'm just curious." He says, smiling widely. He held my gaze.

"You're insufferable." I scoff, rolling my eyes playfully.

We continued in silence, dancing to the seemingly never ending song, I didn't mind being in Jason's hands for never ending. Though I found my self hoping it would end sooner and I can end my demise. I never looked away from Jason.

"Have you brewed up an explanation yet?" Jason broke the silence in between us. He looked more serious, still holding a playful glint.

"Oh." I say dumbly. "Um, you know, it makes me nervous. But like- I'm sure it would anyone honestly. It's nice of you to treat people that way, you've always been like that, even when most of your memory was gone and all that jazz. Uh- yeah you're great and stuff."

I ramble nonsense, and he just keeps smiling at me.

He looks down at me, not by much.

"Did I tell you how handsome you look dressed up?" He complimented, as we spun slightly.

"Thanks you." I swallow, not knowing what took over me to mess up such a simple sentence. Though Jason was used to it, he's seen me do everything I've ever done in life, he's been next to me through it all. Jason's as truly the only reason I spoke so well, slip ups only prominent when I'm nervous and such. I am also fairly nervous right now.

"Mm," Jason hummed. "You really do look nice."

I stare at him a moment, at this point our dancing had immensely slowed. And I only tripped every other minute.

"Do you want to go outside?" He asked. He,
him self was flushed slightly.

"Please." I breath. Suddenly the big room feels too small for both of us.

Jason's hands leave me. Immediately after he offers an arm, a silent invitation to wrap around him. Often something I see as platonic, but after these very confusing five minutes, I find my self doubting everything I've labeled as platonic. I begin to realize what Piper was trying to insinuate over the years, these thoughts not helping the rising heat on my face. Although what about me wrapping myself around his arm seemed completely platonic?

Jason leads me to the back doors, the closest doors to the outside.

Being the amazing gentleman he is, Jason holds the door for me. The cool breeze graces my face, doing wonders to my mind. As soon as I'm out here my mind slows and my thoughts are clearer.

"I wanted to talk." Jason says out of blue, stopping our walk. He shakes my hands off, turning to face me. Suddenly I felt very cornered, even with the open street around us.

Jason looked ethereal in the moonlight, blazing blue eyes hold my e/c ones.

"We were talking inside." I shrug, trying to act nonchalant. I'm sure I'm failing.

"You're horrendous." Jason scoffs, smiling at me.

We stay still, both our breathing are the only things to be heard. Staring expectantly at each other, unmoving.

"Kiss me!" I blurt, eyes widening immediately.

I watch as an amused shocked expression forms on Jason's face. He stunned silent.

"Uh- I mean, um, fuck." I panic. Attempting to back away from the stunned blond, a familiar iron grip greets my wrist.

Jason strong pull brings my body's to his, his soft lips meet mine in a passionate kiss. His hands traveling up my arms. I froze a moment, slowly melting into his embrace. My arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. The kiss was full of want and longing, a much needed kiss come too late.

Jason is first to pull away, not by much truly. Only a hairs width stands between us.

"Be my boyfriend." I breathe, my eyes flick from his eye back to his lips. A constant back and forth.  

Jason kisses me again, slower this time.

"So demanding." Jason mumbles against my lips.

"Always have been." I pant, pulling away once again. Offering more space in between us. I stare at Jason, waiting for him to compose him self before answering.

"I'd love to be." He sighs, pulling me in for another kiss.

Jason grace my bro

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