"Shut it." )( Connor Stoll x M!Reader

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(Uh like making out ig)

Me and Connor lay in the hammock I had installed over my bed. Being the two of few winter campers, we were alone in cabin six.

Connor leaned more weight in his side of the hammock, his head leaning over the side. I lay normally, my legs over his torso. He was telling me about his most recent prank. He had set water bomb outside of Percy's cabin, and got Percy scared enough that they all exploded.

"Dude how did you even get away with that?" I ask, truly shocked with the prank Connor pulled off. Somehow Connor wasn't accused of being the culprit.

"A magician never tells his secrets." He shrugs, titling his head back further. Smiling contently. He once told me he found the world upside down nice. I didn't understand why though, I liked the world as is. Sort of.

"Why must you think that the world is so appealing when upside down?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Why must you talk like Shakespeare?" He laughs. "And I don't know."

He sat up suddenly, almost sending my flying.

"Holy shit Connor!" I yelp, grabbing at what ever closest. His arm and the edge of the hammock.  My legs a had flown off of him, we were now sitting side by side.

"Tight grip you got there." He teased, pulling my hand off his. He never released my hand though, he kept holding it. I didn't mind.

"Wanna sit on the bed?" I asked. Connor nodded in agreement. We both hopped off quickly, snuggling into the welcoming arms of my pillows. Somehow Connor's hand found its way to mine again.

We sat in silence, him looking in the distance— at my mess of books on the shelves in room, and I, looking at him. It was hard not to, he was tall, but not to much taller then me. His skin tanned from the sun, freckles scattered all over his body. His eyes glowed with the same blue the sky did. His hair was a mess of brown curls, sticking up in random places. His face reminding me of an elves. He was undeniably cute.

I smile wanting to mess with the son of Hermes. "You know Connor, you are truly captivating."

He's turned to me, his face reddening slightly.
"Y/n?" He asked, face contorted in confusion.

"You're cute when you blush." I say, smiling bigger when I see the red on his face deepen.

He mumbled some incoherent words, looking away from my gaze.

"What, flustered?" I tease.

"Shut it." He grumbles.

"Hmm, no." I smile. "The blush looks good on you."

I watch as he try's to form a sentence. Failing miserably.

"Cat got your tongue?" I mock. Eyes daring him to speak.

"Shut up." He pushes my shoulder, with his own. Keeping our hands intertwined.

"Why Connor? Can't think straight?" I laugh at my own joke. "Heh, get it because I'm a guy—"

I was interrupted suddenly, he pulling me towards him, pulling us together. His lips land on mine in a kiss. He pushed against me as I kiss back, I sighed slightly. My hand that wasn't in his found its way into his hair, tugging at the brown curls.

He pulled away panting, I was in a similar state.

"You talk too much." He mummers, pulling me to him again.

This time his hand leaves mine finding their way to my waist. Pulling me impossibly closer. He kisses me fastly, as if he's worried I'll pull away.  Which frankly I don't think I ever would.

He bit my lip slightly, the action causing me to groan under my breath.

"Connor." I breathe against him.

He kisses me lightly. Pulling away fully.

"Connor! Oh my gods you kissed me— and I kissed you! And oh my-" He again interrupted me with a kiss.

"Stop thinking." He mumbled against my lips. He continued kissing me, bringing his palms to my face. Pulling me into him. Connor started to lean back, pulling me with him. He sat against my wall and I sat over him.

I pulled away, panting for air. We sat there, together, him leaning against my wall and I on him.

"I- we... oh my gods." I groan. Bringing my hands to cover my reddening face, I lean toward burying my face in the crook of his neck. I heard him chuckle lightly, his hand finding its way into my hair, his other wrapping around my back. Pulling me closer than before, a never ending (I hope.) hug.


Anyways can yall tell i never kissed someone 😀!

Yall catch the slight Sokka and Suki reference? 🫶🏻

Also I am working on part two for the Luke castellan shot !

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