Enemies... right? )( Leo Valdez x F!Reader

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Request for @Cabin7_Frazel ! Hope you enjoy.

It was a well known fact Y/n and Leo didn't get along. No one knew what set the rivalry in between the two, they only knew of the constant arguments and annoying bickering.


I cut my stupid arm working on some kids sword. Of course blood was everywhere's and Nissa gave me the whole "better safe than sorry, go to the infirmary" talk. Appreciated truly, but I didn't want to go right now, namely, because of one person.

Camps greatest healer, Y/n L/n. Probably the most annoying girl in the whole world. Next to Piper of course, don't tell her I said that though.

Y/n was bossy and annoying. She was rude to everyone and anyone. Always getting on my nerves with her stuck up comments and bitchy attitude.

But Nissa was persistant. So I packed my shit up and took the wet—hopefully clean—rag from her and set towards the big house. Pressing the cool fabric to my stinging cut.

As I'm reaching the big house I see, hopefully my saviour, Will Solace, at the main door.

"Hey Leo!" Will greets, holding the door open as I jog up the steps.

"Hey, Will, are you by chance on shift right now?" I ask. Stopping in the door way.

"You know I'm not." He laughs. "But hey, your favourite person is." Will claps me on the back, his mocking tone bothers me.

Just my luck.

"Oh, fuck you." I groan, will keeps laughing.

"Seriously though, she'll be able to help more than I can." Will squeezed my shoulder.

"It's just a cut." I frown.

"It might not be one day." Will shrugs. Lifting his hand from my shoulder.

"You're morbid, stop hanging with Nico." I laugh.

"Haha." Will monotones, leaving me to walk into the infirmary. Unfortunately without him.

I sigh, rubbing my eyes with my wounded arm. Hissing lightly.

"Heyy sunshine!" I yell, voice dripping with sarcasm.

I hear a thud and distant "shit." There she is, always swearing.

"Oh, fuck off." Y/n groan. Rubbing the back of her head as she rounds the corner. Opening her eyes to see who I am. "Oh, double fuck off." She groans again.

"Shut up Y/n." I snap. Wanting to get in and out.

She ignores my comment, instead looking at my bloodied hand, holding a very bloodied towel to my very bloody arm. Over all, pretty bloody.

"Holy shit," she gasps. Then sighs. "Follow me."

"For fucks sake." I mutter under my breath.

"Heard that." She says.

"Wanna tell me how you did that?" Y/n sighs, glaring lightly as she turns to grasp some medical wipes and gloves.

"Mm, not really." I hiss as she grabs my arm. Not gently at that.

"You're so fucking annoying, you know that?" She mumbles, using the wipes on my arm.

"Sure I am." I roll my eyes. Watching at the h/c haired girl cleaned my cut. I knew if it weren't for her weird doctor magic the pain would be a lot more. That was probably her best trait. And only good one.

Turning around, she discards the bloodied pads.

"You're going to need stitches." She looks up. "Now are you gonna be a whiney bitch, or are you gonna tell me what happened?"

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