Sick. )( Leo Valdez x F!Reader

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My alarm clock reads 2:45 am. Shuffling sounds from Y/n's side of the room, I could hear her get up and open the door, shutting it only slightly. The halls light illuminating the room. I roll over my gaze landing on Y/n's bed. Her sheets were practically untouched, though the mini garbage can beside her bed held an overflowing amount of tissues.

Being the overly caring—nosey—best friend I am, I decide to follow. Pushing my blankets and stumbling out of bed I walk towards the lit hallway. I hear shuffling around the med bay, figuring Y/n was the cause of the noise.

Coming into the infirmary, I instantly see Y/n. She's reading some pill bottle, her eyes are squinted and her nose red. I notice she didn't wear her glasses. She was clad in Spider-Man pajama pants and a plain red hoodie. Both my clothes.

"Hey Y/n." I yawn, walking to the girl. Tired eyes meet mine.

"Why are you awake?" She croaks, voice horse. She tries to suppressed a cough, failing miserably.

"I heard you." I grab the bottle. Pills shake inside the Advil bottle. "Whatcha lookin' for?"

"None ya." She try's to swipe the bottle out of my hands. Lifting my arm to where she probably can't reach, I try again.

"I think you're looking for cold medicine aren't you?" I grip her hand, keeping her from the Advil bottle.

"Shut up—" She falls into a coughing fit again, her elbow covering her mouth.

"Mm, no." I hum, turning back to the cupboard. I put the pain reliever back.

"So, you want liquid or pill?" I ask, grabbing both bottles. Spinning dramatically to present her options.

"I'll have the pill." She says, her voice cracking.

"Okay." I smile, pouring the pill out. Handing the smooth oval to her

"Thanks." She mutters. She slips the pill into her mouth, her lips pressing against the ring of her cup.

"Is this why you weren't at lunch or dinner?" I ask.

"Maybe." She says plainly. Putting the glass on the counter, I watch as she avoids eye contact of any sort.

I was aware she had issues when it came to showing 'weakness', she never let her mask slip. This habit built after years at camp as the great daughter of Poseidon, she was their leader since the beginning. Even as a fragile little girl.

"It's ok to be sick y'know." I soothe, wanting to comfort her in a rare moment of vulnerability.

"I'm fine." Her words were sharp but her voice was frail. I could tell her throat was sore by her gravelly voice and the way she winced when drinking her water. She wasn't fine.

"I don't think so." I prodded. "You need proper rest."

"Leo, I said I'm fine." She sounded angry. She pushed past me, going back to our room. I followed the girl in silence.

Shutting the door behind me I direct her to my bed. Out of habit I grab her hand, turning toward her. I sit on my bed first, Y/n standing in front of me. Her eyes looked heavy and tired, rimmed with red along with her nose. Her hair was lightly tussled, forced into a bun.

"I'll get you sick sleeping in your bed." She tries to pull away.

"I'm supreme Mcshizzle," I smile. "I'll live." 

Pulling her into the bed as I lay down. She lay curled up, her head resting near my chest, and I beside her, my arms wrapping around her.

In honour of me being sick while ON VACATION, I MEVER GET SICK

Like legit I don't get sick often and when I do it's on vacay. I went to Mexico in Feb and was puking buckets for like three days and rn I'm visiting family in another province and I'm coughing balls

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