"Oopsies." )( Piper Mclean x F!Reader

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Tonight was mine, Leo's, Piper and Jason's first capture the flag. You'd think; 'Oh you've must've played already! You know because you went on the deadly life threatening quest this week?'
And then after thinking that you'd hear a wrong buzzer.

And out of the four of us— I'm still unclaimed. Now you'd also think; 'Well didn't your friends get claimed the day y'all arrived?' Now you'd be right about that. But because I'm unclaimed I'd usually be on the Hermes' team. But there was an incident. Or possibly three. I may have exploded their bathroom... and kicked a few people. But it's not like I meant to make their pipes explode— i just happened to be there when I happened. So I was booted from their team.

Red- Hermes, Ares, Demeter, Dionysus, Hecate, and Nemesis

Blue- Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Apollo, Iris, Athena, and Zeus

Those were the only cabins participating this Friday.

"Alright, Alright! If you could just look up here please." Chirons voice travelled through the amphitheater. Usually it took a lot more to quiet everyone down, but since this was the first game in a while everyone was excited and quiet. Piper nudged me excitedly, smiling wickedly. Her stunning multi-coloured eyes stare into my shabby e/c eyes. Her face lit but the warm colour of the fire, she looks at home and content. Like she doesn't want to leave my side. And I don't want to leave hers either.

"So it seems the teams are picked!" He noticed how the few of the cabins were bunched together. "Six vs six, yes?"

The crowed cheered loudly in answer.

———-In which; the author is REALLY lazy-———

I was stationed by the beach, along with Jason and Leo. We were on guard duty— and this being one of the best ways to sneak towards our flag— we were important. I heard a crunch of the rocks.

"I hear you," I said aloud, startling Leo. I looked at Jason, who was already starting in that direction, he shifted his gaze to me. "You're in the bushes."

"Um... no I'm not?" I recognized the voice to be on of the Stolls. Contrary to their defence they stood up. Travis Stoll.

"Hey y'all!" I smiled. Hand grabbing the grip of my sword, unsheathing it. With a flick of his hand Jason's sword was summoned. I want a cool sword. Travis unfortunately was a victim of my antics. The Hermes' spawn glared at me, drawing his sword.

"I want to fight Y/n." He demanded. Well darn.

The rules in capture the flag were simple; to get someone out you have to win in a spar, only light maiming aloud.

"Ok." I said, smiling politely. This fucking dude. I see Jason in the corner of my eye, nodding at me.

"Bring it on Stoll." I tease. One day I'm going to get my ass WHOOPED. Hopefully not today, of course.

He stomps toward me bring his sword into a defensive position. He wants me to make the first move, show some vulnerability so he can strike me. So obviously I'm not going to. We circle each other, his light blue eyes glowering into mine. Frankly I don't think I kicked him that hard. He also wasn't even around when I exploded the bathroom... I think.

Pjo x Reader (one shots of all y'all's fav characters!)Where stories live. Discover now