"Please." )( Luke Castellan x Reader )(pt.1

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-y/n is 19 like Luke!

What of Luke was just a puppet?

"Luke?" I whisper. The last time he visited was over Christmas break. He had stayed with me and my family.

I already knew of his betrayal, already knew of his plan. But I still held hope in my heart.

"Y/n." He said, voice monotone. Not sounding as his own. His eyes were glazed, they didn't shine with the stars like they used to.

"Kronos needs help." My heart sinks. His face lay emotionless, something I can't ever get used to.

"Luke... I'm sorry." I reach towards him, his yes flicker towards my hand. He flinches away, looking at me as if I were unrecognizable. Part of him had to have known I would say no.

"Please, Y/n." His voice sounded forced. He stared into my eyes, for just a moment his shine was back, for just a moment I could see the shimmer in his eyes, for just a moment he was my Luke. His eyes seemed to be begging for something else, like he didn't want me to join Kronos.

"I can't." I whisper. Gaze leaving his as I watched his eyes glaze over.

"Y/n believe me, I want to believe Luke wouldn't. But I'd rather be safe than sorry." Annabeth pleads. Like Luke always said, she's six steps ahead. But I don't want to believe that's the only outcome. Her, Percy, and Grover all believe it's safer for the four of us to stay in the Posiedon cabin, where they could keep closer eyes on me.

"Annabeth, if anything as your older sister I should be protecting you guys." I sigh, brining my palms to my eyes. This is all so fucked up. I was the last person to see Luke, I could see that this isn't what he would do. But no one believes me.

"And as your younger sister who may or may not be more experienced. And I think this is the best thing to do as if right now! You are in a vulnerable position," Annabeth argued back.

"You went home for the for two year and come back telling us Luke visited you. Asking you to come with him." She persists. She made a good point but I don't know how to tell them that it wasn't Luke. It was his body but not in any way was that Luke Castellan. It wasn't Luke.

"Ok," I sigh in defeat. "If you guys truly believe I'm in danger, I'll do it."

"Thank you. I'm sorry we have to take it to this measure." Annabeth reaches over and squeezes my hand lightly.

I feel emotions rise up my throat. This is all so unimaginably fucked, and I keep finding my self hoping it's a dream. Hoping that it was some elaborate prank the son of Hermes' planned. Hoping that he wasn't helping Kronos.

I say nothing but nod at her.

"Go get your stuff, you're moving into Percy's cabin today." Annabeth tells me. I pull my hand away from hers. I walk back wards for a moment before I turn around, and walking to cabin six.

I don't know how I'm supposed to be able to accept that Luke chose to do Kronos's bidding. He wouldn't and I knew that.


"Ok you're sleeping on that bunk, I above you, Percy in his and Grover above him." Annabeth pointed at each bunk. Percy stood nervously, its my first time back at camp after two years. I had decided to finish high school and go to college.

This is my first time hearing of the Posiedon spawn and he seems to have taken a liking to Annabeth and Grover. It made me happy they were making friend their age. The two have been through enough.

"Great." I sigh, walking to my bed and dumping my belongings on it. I sit down my back against the wall, facing the trio.

"You guys go eat." I say.

"Y/n you're missing the point, someone will always be with you." Annabeth points out.

"We even have Clarrise and Charles in board." Percy pipes up. Damned my super awesome caring friends who I love so much.

"Fine, I'll go eat with clarrise." I sigh. There's no way I'm eating dinner with a bunch of twelve year olds.

"Charles said he'll teach sword fighting with you." Grover says, a look of sympathy in his eyes. He knows well enough the place Luke held in my heart. Grover may be a twelve year old in every sense but he's also older than I am.

The next two weeks blended together, the same daily routine. The same Herculean struggles. The same stupid hope Luke didn't betray us. But he never showed up to sword lessons, or arts and crafts, or sing along. He never showed up.

"Oh my gods Clarrise just please let me go alone. I won't be gone for long. Ten minutes max." I beg the daughter of Ares. I was trying to get some alone time for the first time in weeks. I watch as her hard gaze softens for a moment.

"Ok. Ten minutes." She sighs. "But I have to be close." I practically jump at the girl in excitement.

"Thank you!" I promise nothing will happen!" I hug her tightly. She hugs back lightly.

"I'm sorry we have to do this." She whispers, pulling away.

"It will all be fine eventually." I sigh, smiling lightly. She nods before doing what she was doing before— reviewing capture the flag strategy.

I wanted to go sit at our spot. Our little groups spot. I wanted to go sit alone. Although I didn't truly want to be alone, I just wanted to be with Luke.

I walk towards the forest, our spot wasn't too far from the main area, but it was far enough the harpy's never check it. I walked along the familiar trail, the trail— I would know blind. It was silent as silent as always, which was truly never silent. The sounds of Camp Half-Blood rang in my ears, a calming noise. I heard the sound of the little creek that ran passed out flat rock, we used it for picnics.

I emerged from the forest, entering our safe haven. I felt a serene calm spread through my body. I inhaled, closing my eyes.

"Y/n..." and all to familiar voice rang through my head. I thought I was going insane. Which frankly I was.

Opening my eyes quickly I try to find the culprit of the voice. My gaze landed on a cyclops.

"Y/n." It's smiled menacingly. It's ugly horrid teeth showing. It's voice mocking Luke's.

A twig broke behind. I twirled  around quickly, brining my arms up to fight.

I was met with darkness.



Also sorry to the requester that this is so late 😭.

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