"Cookies!" )( Connor Stoll x f!reader

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The newest camper, a girl barely older than five had decided to cling to me. I really didn't mind, I've always offered to help with the younger campers. Me and Connor were commonly known for having a trail of children following us wherever we went... it made alone time difficult. It never got in the way of our relationship though, most times we rather hang with the kids then do nothing. Me and Connor often got teased by Travis and Katie as we got older, they told us we were like little parents. The often called 'our children' their nieces and nephews. It was cute to see Connor get flustered and giddy.

I stand from our spot in the ground, Lilo had tripped and scrapped her knee. After putting a Bandaid on it she felt better. She didn't really need it, it was more of a reassurance.

"All right Lilo, do you want to come meet my friend?" I ask, offering my hand to her.

She sniffled a moment before reacting. "Can you... piggy back me?" She asked in a small voice.

"Of course! Here climb aboard!" I kneel back down, bracing my self with my arms in front of me. It took a moment for her to clamber on, gripping at my shoulders tightly she huffs.

"Let's go!" I loop my arms under legs. I stop for a second to gain proper balance and to give her the chance to back out if she feels the need to.

"All righty." I mutter, starting towards the Hermes cabin, where my wonderful Connor should be making my wonderful chocolate chip cookies.

Lilo mumbles to her self quietly as we walk. I tried to think who she could be claimed by. She had a warm aura, a calming one almost. Her hair was nice and flowy, brown with lighter highlights, a natural thing a lot of Apollo children had. I wondered if she would end up being Wills sister. Or maybe an Aphrodite girl. I couldn't say, she was adopted but the parents didn't know who her biological parent was. They only knew of the situation because her daycare happend to have a demigod working there.

"Remember cabin eleven Lilo?" I pipe, tapping her thighs lightly to an unheard rhythm.

"Mhm!" She answered. "The... wing guy."

I laugh at her statement. "Yes Hermes, the wing guy."

"That's my friend's cabin! His names Connor." I say in an exaggerated matter, trying to make this confusing day better for her.

"And guess what..." I stage whisper.

"What!" She giggles, bouncing on my back as we walked. Years of training made it easier for me to stay balanced and such.

We approached the door of the cabin, walking up the steps quickly.

"He has..." I opened the door fast, dashing. "COOKIES!" I yell. Startling Lilo slightly.

She shrieked and bounced her legs up and down.

"Holy fu-" Connor yelps, turning around quickly. You have direct access to the kitchen from the from door of the cabin.

"Watch it!" I hiss. Not wanting to teach the girl her first swear word already.

"Oh hey baby," Connor greets. Ignoring my statement. "And who's this?" He saunters to us, smiling at Lilo kindly. He's always been good with kids. My favourite trait of his truly.

"This little boo-thang is Lilo. Ain't that right honey?" I contort my self slightly, bringing her so she can be against my hip, my left arm working as a seat for her to sit on.

"I'm Lilo!" She says excitedly.

"And I'm Connor!" He offers her a high five, she returns with a hard slap.

"Do you like cookies?" He asks her. Offering the same hand for her to take.

"Of course I do. It's dumb to not." She says simply. She takes his hand and practically jumps out of my arms, opting to go eat cookies with Connor.

"Amen sister." He jokes, leading the brunette to the fresh batch of cookies.

I cross my arms admiring the two. Connor with his stupid curly brown hair, amazingly blue eyes, and pretty dimples, he looked amazing doing the simplest things. I found my thoughts drifting to our future, what our own kids could look like. I wondered if they would have my e/c eyes or his blue ones? Would they have the trouble seeking smirk or would the be gifted with plants as I was?

I smile as these thoughts cloud my mind, blushing slightly.

"Hey Y/n you want one?" Connor turns away from Lilo, I watch as she snatches another cookie of the tray, quickly eating it.

"Of course." I smile, walking towards the two.

Guys I'm to young to want a baby ☹️
Anyways sorry this is so short!! Just a throw away, I've been pretty busy lately!

I hope you enjoyed 🫶🏻 (I love Connor sm)

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