"Nap Time!" )( Nico Di Angelo X M!Reader

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Crushing stage sort of (In love and In denial kings) like they know the other likes them and they act all coupley but haven't specified with eachother

In the Argo we all tried to eat lunch together, brining a strong sense of home for all of us. Roman and Greek alike. I sat next to Leo and Nico picking lightly at my food, I enjoyed sitting with everyone but I was so tired today. I had been spending horrendous hours in the medic room, with the monster attacks, and the incident, I didn't find much time to sleep. It probably didn't help that I offered to take watch as often as they'd all let me.

Currently the conversation was about Franks long involvement with the gods. That was until they shifted to me.

Nico hit my thigh lightly, gaining my attention.

"What?" I ask, looking around the table.

"You're a legacy as well, right?" Hazel asked.

My family has been tangled with the Greek gods for a long time, blessings from various gods, many demigods, and many legacy's. For all I know I could be some freaky hybrid, but I'm most commonly known as a son of Demeter, champion of Ares.

"I don't really know. Um, I've only been recognized as Demeter's child." I shrug. Nothing truly special, atleast I thought.

"Ok, that's not all actually." Jason starts, sitting up more from his chair. "Y/n over here is also the champion of Mars- um, Ares."

I flush slightly, I didn't usually gloat about it . The only times I did is when a monster—for some odd reason—makes me introduce my self. I was prideful of it, but I didn't want to seem full of my self. It had set a rift in between my self and other campers. Jealousy was something often felt by demigods, I didn't want to cause it. It was unusual to be a champion, let alone a champion of the war god.

"Really?" Hazel turns to me. "What does that entail?"

"I have the abilities he would pass to his children while not being his child." I explain. "I have those abilities and they may be slightly enhanced."

"That's really cool!" Frank pipes in, smiling in my direction. In an odd sense we were connected. To my prayers the conversation continues, leaving me to be on my own island. With Nico, of course.

I continue playing with my food, not paying attention to anyone else. It begins to feel like there's a tremendous weight on my head, a wave of exhaustion hits me.

"Y/n?" Nico looked concerned. His hand grabbed mine lightly. I didn't understand how me and the son of hades had gotten close. I didn't understand why he chose to hold my hand or lean on my shoulder. Or in anything really, he chose me. I didn't know why, but he always did.

"Are you ok?" I looked at him, he was still recovering from his... trip, his face pale. A contrast to what it was when we were ten, before everything went wrong.

"Just... tired." I sigh. It was the truth. Sort of.

"How tired?" He asked, his hand still in mine.

"Mmmm." I groan in answer. Rubbing my face with the hand that wasn't in his.

He stayed quiet for a second, I focused on his breathing. To hear his stable breaths brought comfort to me, he was learning how to be himself again. How to live in his skin, how be human.

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